Yahoo sign-in

Tonks tonks_op at
Wed Aug 23 03:53:48 UTC 2006

--- In HPFGU-OTChatter at, "once_red78" 
<mcrudele78 at ...> wrote:
> > Tonks:
> > May I suggest that you open your word program and type everything
> > there and then save it and cut and paste it to post. That is the
> > easiest way so that you don't lose any thing. I learned that the 
hard way myself.
> Mike:
> Yeah, I do that or use my yahoo!mail and save as draft for long 
> posts that are not responses to threads, original posts. But how 
> would you do this to get your post attached to a particular 
thread?  Especially when you want to include the previous post and 
snip to insert your comments?
> I'm using the Web interface, that is I'm composing on 
HP4GU "reply" page. What do you mean by "hitting Reload"? I use MS 
Explorer and I  don't see a Reload icon.

This is what you do. Open Word, take the part of the group message 
that you want to include and cut and paste it to Word. Then asnwer 
it in Word, spell check and all. And when you are done cut and past 
it back into the group message that you are going to "reply" to. Use 
Control + c to cut and Control + v to paste.

Reloading the page is the "refresh" button. It looks like a sheet of 
paper with green arrows on it. Just before the house "home" button. 
But that won't help you if you have lost the information. Sometimes 
the back button works, but trust me, the way I do it never fails. 

Also I use Yahoo too. And since I have many account I just sign in 
each time I come to the group, so you don't get any sympathy from me 
there. ;-)


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