[HPFGU-OTChatter] Smallville "RPS"... or calling your cast mate to say he's hot

Laura Ingalls Huntley lhuntley at fandm.edu
Tue Mar 28 03:16:25 UTC 2006

>> From Zap2It article
> http://tv.zap2it.com/tveditorial/tve_main/1,1002,271|100536|1|,00.html
> [[
> Rosenbaum Recalls Childhood in Paradise

HA!  Funny little article . . . although I don't see why he's being so 
coy about the implications of "Lexmas."  It's been pretty clear all 
along that Lex does, in fact, have the fuzzies for Lana.

Or perhaps not.  (Dun dun dun.)  ^_~

Laura (who is in a silly mood.)

P.S. Only two more days 'till Veronica Mars and Icetwin!
P.P.S. And George Michael and Maeby!

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