books to read? Some suggestions
retired153 at
Fri Nov 24 08:56:31 UTC 2006
Hi Christine, some real-life items that resonate with HP...briefly
sampling a few at the library/by interlibrary loan might be inspiring.
(Placed some of the more interesting HP-like ones at the top of the
"Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton. Has similar material, bite-sized
sections, about life in the astral and etheric.
"Entering the Circle" and "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Olga
Kharitidi; she describes her initiation into Siberian shamanism (which
she integrated into her psychiatric practice with great outcomes),
developing out-of-body apparatus, and learning an ancient dream
therapy in Samarkand.
"The Beautiful Story of a Master," Louise-Marie Frenette, and
"Autobiography of a Yogi," Paramahansa Yogananda, describe many
interesting adventures.
"The Soulless One," Mark L. Prophet. Kindly depiction of alien
civilization trends. "Above Black," Dan Sherman: telepathic contact
with aliens.
"Hidden Camera," Zoran Zivkovic; fabulous fiction, a modern version of
"La Tres Sainte Trinosophie."
"The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis; a gentle, insightful, well-written
novella about a visit to the next plane.
"Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves, and "Messages from Heaven,"
Patricia Kirmond. Accounts of what occurs in magical planes.
And, interesting others: "The Teachers of Gurdjieff," Rafael Lefort
("A real effort"); "Long Pilgrimage," John G. Bennett; "The Book of
Divine Magic," Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov; "Dancing with the Void,"
Sunyata; "The Magic Presence," Godfre Ray King; "The Education of
Little Tree," Forrest Carter; "The Neverending Story," Michael Ende;
"The World of Null-A," A. E. Van Vogt; "Projections of Consciousness,"
Waldo Vieira, M.D.; "The Miracle Man," Robert Pellegrino-Estrich; "In
the Company of ECK Masters," Phil Morimitsu; "A Dweller on Two
Planets," Phylos, the Tibetan; "Mary Baker Eddy: Christian Healer,"
Yvonne von Fettweis; "Penetration," Ingo Swann; "To Live Within,"
Lizelle Reymond; "The Field," Lynne McTaggart; "The Reincarnation of
Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock.
--- In HPFGU-OTChatter at, "Christine" <damselfly at ...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am new to this list, so I hope I don't ask something that was
> asked.
> But..I have read the whole set of Harry Potter books twice and I
can't seem
> to get interested in any other books! I tried the Lord of the Rings
> couldn't get into them. I read Aragon and tried to read Eldest, but I
> couldn't get interested in that. I feel like just reading and
> Harry Potter over and over.
> What other books do you all read that will take the place?
> thanks!
> christine
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