[HPFGU-OTChatter] What would have been different in your life if you never read Harry Potter?

Sharon Hayes s.hayes at qut.edu.au
Fri Dec 7 03:11:27 UTC 2007

What would have been different in your life had Harry Potter books
never existed? It does not have to be anything monumental, I mean
these ARE just books, but any change will do.

Would you have remained clueless about some information have you never
read the books?

Would you have never met someone special while getting involved in
fandom? Would your shelf of the books that you are rereading
constantly just had fewer books on it?

Lots of things would have been different for me. First, I wouldn't have the love of all things HP in common with my 14 year old daughter. We've been fans since we read the first book together when she was just 7 years old. It's something we've shared that's really special. Second, I would have had to find some other avenue for my obsessive personality to latch onto! And believe me there are far worse things than HP to obsess about. LOL. Third, I would never have discovered fan fiction, which I absolutely love, when it's good. Fan fiction helps me get over the fact that there's never going to be another new HP book.  *sigh* Finally, the books have helped me a lot in my thinking about ethics and morality, and I've written a paper on morality in the HP books for my work, so I wouln't have had that either. (Most of what's in the paper I've already said in posts on this list, so I won't reiterate here) There are lots of other things, but those four are probably the most important. OH, ONE other as well -- I wouldn't have to spend so much time reading my emails if I'd never read the books and joined this list :-)

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