What's wrong with "Merry Christmas"?
gav_fiji at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 24 11:44:52 UTC 2007
> It's probably correct to say most Christmas traditions
> originated with paganism rather than wicca...
I suggest that depends on what traditions you refer to.
Here's a few:
(i) Father Christmas / Santa Claus (FC) - Most usually
traced to Saint Nicholas of Turkey. He's also the patron
saint of pawnbrokers.
(ii) Christmas tres / logs - pre-Christian traditions.
(iii) Turkeys as the main meat for the Christmas dinner -
unlikely to be pagan unless some tribe in the Americas
had a festival around the same time as Chriastmas where
these delicious birds were eaten. This wouldn't fit anyway
with being pre-Christian because America was originally
settled by Christians and the turkey as a staple of the
dinner has only been adopted in Europe quite recently.
In England the traditional bird to eat at this time of
year is a goose.
(iv) Eight reindeers - Probably due to Odin's horse having
had 8 legs. The Norse religion could probably be lumped in
in the pagan category, but would usually be described as
a pantheistic religion, not completely unlike modern Hinduism.
(v) FC's clothing - due to a coca cola advertising campaign
of the 1930s, iirc.
(vi) The date of Christmas - a shoe in for other older
traditions and festivals. As Susan pointed out it was
a convenient time for the catholic church to put Christmas
at. The early Christians, as pointed out by Geoff did often
use older symbols and festivals to disguise their own. The
Roman church does date back to not long after Jesus, as I'm
sure all of you know. One of the early signs of a meeting
place was a fish symbol, a symbol that is still used in
parts of south eastern Europe, unless I'm much mistaken.
That's just a small sampling and I'd be truly delighted to
compare notes with anyone out there who cares to about other
Christmas traditions and their origins. As can be seen some
pre-date the Chritian era while others do not. I would think
that more are Christian based than are not.
Goddlefrood, who once did a study on many of these things,
but has sadly lost it.
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