[HPFGU-OTChatter] Mysterious Gravestone

Lee Storm (God Is The Healing Force) n2fgc at arrl.net
Sat Jul 9 03:15:40 UTC 2011

| At the top of the gravestone is a carving of a five pointed star.
| Near the bottom in a row are three carvings.
|  From left to right, the first is difficult to see, but may be a 
| carpenters hammer or similar. The second is clearly a ladder, 
| the third 
| is a skull.
| There are the merest tracings of writing left on the stone - the only 
| letter I could clearly make out was a single capital 'D'.

Thanks for the descrip.  Hmm--interesting...the star could be the Star Of
David...maybe.  If the one carving was a carpenter's hammer, Joseph was a
carpenter; so was his son.  A ladder could be the ladder to Heaven.  The
skull could be a symbol of The Place Of The Skulls Golgotha.  The Cap D
could be part of Deo or Dominus or something like that.

Just a crazy interpretation, inspirational indeed.



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