HP birthdays

Adan adanabbett at adanabbett.yahoo.invalid
Sat Aug 7 21:16:52 UTC 2004

I've always wondered that, too. It never says if she sent it or
not, and we never find out in CoS. Do you think we ever will find
out if she sent it? Does it matter? Probably not, but to people
like me, who want to see Harry end up happy with a nice girl later
in life (can anyone say Ginny?), we'd like to know.

 I never know the answer to this, either.  I like to believe that she 
didn't send the telegram, that it was some sort of joke from F&G.  
But, she was kind of silly then, and smitten with Harry, so I 
wouldn't put it past her.  

> I, like Alora, care about Ginny's birthday (and the telegram) 
because I am all for OBHWF, which means Harry HAS to end up with 
Ginny.  (Don't hate me if you disagree, I won't hate ya'll, either.)  

 Does anyone know what year Hermione was born?  I have heard so many 
conflicting things about this.  Most people have adopted 1980 as her 
year of birth, but does anyone know for sure?
> Michelle

Not for sure.  Some speculate that Hermione was born in 1980 and 
allowed to enter Hogwarts early being as she's such a clever little 
witch.  Personally, I lean towards 1979.

I don't think that the telegram was Ginny's still at all really, 
unless diary!Tom somehow convinced her... for some reason, just 
reading y'alls responses, my mind went to Luna.  Yeah, I know that we 
didn't know about her until OotP, but the toad eyes just seem much 
more her style.  I think that if Ginny wrote it it would have been 
much nicer.  Unless D!T wrote it for her, what with the last line 
about beating the Dark Lord.  He's so egocentric that he'd work 
mention of himself in there somehow if he had the opportunity.

I don't know that I'm OBHWF, but right now the only girl I'd want 
Harry with is Ginny.  Not that one has to find their wife at school, 
but, you know, that's all we're getting from JKR so I hypothesize 
from what's given!

Adan, noticing the y'all but figuring WTH, it's a Texas list.

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