Dallas book party / New database table
paul-groups at smitster1.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jun 20 22:41:07 UTC 2005
At the previous release in Lewisville, TX they had two sets of
tickets. Since I signed up months in advance, I was given a ticket
from the primary set--but only in the order of when I arrived to get
my ticket. Those who did not pre order were given a ticket from the
secondary set. Only after everyone in the primary set was each given
a book was the secondary set served.
If you have no plans to attend the midnight party, it makes no difference.
--- In HPFGU-Texas at yahoogroups.com, "Adan" <adanabbett at y...> wrote:
> --- In HPFGU-Texas at yahoogroups.com, "Kelley" <kelleythompson at g...>
> wrote:
> Kelley wrote:
> > I'm in San Antonio, but would be willing to go as far as Austin
> that night, if more people want to meet up there. I know we have
> more SA members than just Amanda and I -- Adan, you're here, yes?
> And Jo, where will you be buying your copy? Are y'all even doing the
> > midnight thing?
> >
> > Anyway, would love to wait in line with a bunch of HPfGU LOONs. I
> > don't bite, I swear... <g>
> >
> > --Kelley
> Yep. Still here, though I have only been a sporadic lurker on all of
> the HPFGU boards lately, though I am getting revved up for the
> release (like everyone else!). I was on the road for the OoTP
> release, but this year we are at home. Anything I do will likely
> include my 11 y.o. boy, but a meet-up could be fun. Austin isn't out
> of the question for us, either.
> Also, a Q for those with Borders/B&N release experience: I have NOT
> pre-ordered our books (yet!). I didn't do the online because, living
> in Boerne, the mail runs much like the Pony Express and I didn't want
> to wait. Is it a MUST for picking up at those stores? For OoTP, we
> just ran into a Target we were passing, no muss, no fuss.
> ~Adan
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