Fw: HANDY-DAEMON: Quota exceeded
gypsycaine at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 29 02:39:28 UTC 2000
Ok. This is a mess, yes. Just wanted to let people know, if they are
getting stuff like this, that they aren't alone. I am not certain why
(exceeded the max for the day?) but I did find and remark on an interesting
little tidbit. My server (IP) is the neo.rr portion. It goes from there to
my yahoo. From there, it goes to egroups. During the NEO and Yahoo
portion, it's stating it (the date) is 8-28. When it hits egroups, it
appears that it's 8-29. Now, for those who understand linux, unix, or other
languages that are newer, and hence beyond me (I still do the ancients,
as400 and cobol!), can you help me figure out why this is happening?
Awaiting another of the stupid "bouncing" messages....
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Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000
22:31:57 -0400
Reply-To: HPforGrownups at egroups.com
Subject: Re:
[HPforGrownups] Spreading Harry Joy
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Snitch pin? Pics please!!!!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: lj2d30 at gateway.net
HPforGrownups at egroups.com
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 10:32 PM
Subject: [HPforGrownups] Spreading Harry Joy
Gee, I go out of town for
a weekend and there's 450 msgs in the box!
My word, we are a talkative
bunch! Sorry I missed the chat, but I
was driving across the state of
GA on my way back from TN.
Anyway, I had gone to a family get together
(cousin's wedding shower)
and taken my 10 yo cousin's b-day present (HP
& GoF). I had bought
it in July when I got mine and told her family
not to let her talk
anyone into getting it as I had it for her. The
lies they told that
child in order keep her in the dark! Her dad told
her he didn't want
her reading it because of the violence and the
wizarding subject
matter, which she *totally* believed and mentioned to
me after she
opened the package. "Daddy won't let me read it!" Given
that he was
raised on "Star Wars" this reaction is completely out of
And her mom had to tell everyone NOT to get GoF for her
b-day behind
her back when she told what she wanted for her b-day! She
also loved
the Snitch pin I made in a crafting spree. (So did my 6
month old
cousin. Perhaps she is a future Seeker.) It was so much fun
her so excited over receiving the book, and since she's not
finished with PoA, she was begging for spoilers, which I did not
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