HP--Hagrid's house, Vold anagram / OT--Languages
SKTHOMPSON_1 at msn.com
SKTHOMPSON_1 at msn.com
Thu Dec 14 09:46:30 UTC 2000
Hi Grownups--
The first part of my post is HP-related, however the second regards
the language discussion, and only tangentially, at that. You've been
Susan, Penny, and Stephanie-- Yes, JKR did say that Hagrid was in
Gryff. during the October B & N chat. But, I was positive I
remembered seeing somewhere that he was in Huff., too. Many tried to
help me out, re the "Everyone says Hufflepuff are a bunch o'
duffers..." line from Hagrid. However, someone mentioned that
perhaps what I was trying to recall was the Scholastic quiz. That
was exactly it. And, I got the question right with my first answer--
Hufflepuff. Apparently, Schol. was going by the same assumption I
had made, and now (thank you, Stephanie), they've corrected it. Or
were the questions submitted by children? Don't remember now, it's
been too long. As far as the TR/Vold anagram, my thoughts have been
that JKR is very learned about various languages; I figured
she 'liked' the word/phrase(?) "voldemort" and 'found' the name Tom
Riddle in it, and then just went with it. We know how she enjoys
collecting names, and she certainly enjoys playing with words.
Anyway, that was my take on it...
Now, for the wildly OT part..
I love the language discussion that has been going on lately, even
though I'm monolingual (if that), only knowing a smattering of words
in other languages. A site that I've found, as a result of HP
British terms, is this one: http://www.peak.org/~jeremy/dictionary/
It's a British-American -- American-British dictionary, plus contains
a great deal of other interesting info. Check out 'History of the
English Language', I believe that's what the section is called. Very
interesting. Just to mention, in the performance of "Glorious",
Eddie Izzard pronounces 'garage' as GARE-ahzh (to saw a plank of wood
in half...), with the accent on the first syllable, but with an
almost as strong emphasis on the second. He also speaks French, btw,
quite well, but not completely fluently yet. Myself and a few other
izzardites have been discussing the language thing in private emails,
and our conversations have been bizarrely similar to the one
happening now in HPfGUs. Weird, eh? Any other EI fans on this
list? I would gush, but this isn't really the forum for it. Another
interesting site is: http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/ This one
regards common errors in English (as a language, not a culture ;o]).
Again, not related, just interesting and informative. Okay, enough
for now...
Kelley---covered in bees....jam for brains....punching a baboon....on
the moon...with Steve....he's a doughnut.... so, yeah.
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