Research Help (medium-long)
Ellimist15 at
Ellimist15 at
Mon Nov 6 02:57:52 UTC 2000
Quin said:
I think that the paralleled couples are Harry-James, Hermione-Sirius,
Ron-Pettigrew, and Neville-Lupin
Really? I thought of them as Harry-James, Hermione-Lupin, and Ron-Sirius.
Why? The Harry/James comparison is obvious. The first comparison is their
near-identical appearances, so similar that Harry mistakes his
past/future/whatever self for his father in the "Dementor's Kiss" chapter of
Prisoner of Azkaban. They are also renowned for their Quidditch ability.
Harry was allowed on the team as a first year, and people are constantly
telling Harry that his father was an extrordinary flyer. "You fly as well as
your father, Harry" --Sirius. "Your father would have been proud. He was an
excellent Quidditch player himself." --McGonagall. They also seem to share a
general dislike of everything that is Snape and have a knack for getting into
trouble. But who am I trying to convince? I'm sure everyone here would agree
that Harry and James are a paralleled group.
I chose Hermione/Lupin because Lupin seemed to be so studious, just like
Hermione. Although Hermione's teaching style is more McGonagall-like than
Lupin's, they both seemed to be obsessed with studying...Or have I been
reading too much MWPP fanfic? Oh well. In PoA, they compare Hermione's
sleep-deprived, stressed-out appearance to the eternally-tired face of
Professor Lupin. Also, they both had a secret that they faithfully kept
secret, although they eventually revealed it to their friends. Lupin,
obviously, had his lycanthropy, and in Hermione's case, the time-turner.
However, I'd love to hear your ideas on a potential Hermione/Sirius parallel.
I'd never really thought of that before.
I had a harder time placing Ron, and I eventually settled on Sirius because
he, like Ron, is the best friend of the Harry/James character. I consider
James and Sirius to be more like Fred and George, though. McGonagall said in
the Three Broomsticks that they were practically brothers and the most
troublesome duo the school had ever seen. And I *can* imagine Fred or George
being sent to Azkaban! :-) We know James played Quidditch, and I'm fairly
sure Sirius did, too, even though there's nothing from the books to back up
the assumption. He must know his broomsticks, though, to know about the
superiority of the Firebolt, but I suppose nearly everyone in the wizarding
world knows that (except maybe Hermione). Anyway, I always imagined James and
Sirius being beaters, just like Fred and George, but JKR evidently decided
that James was a chaser. Drat! Always fouling up my fanfiction plans...
::goes off to plot evily, then comes back quickly::
Wait! I'm supposed to be talking about Ron! Well, he and Sirius both share a
rather quick temper. I don't know. We don't really know that much about
Sirius, considering that we only saw him for a brief segment in both PoA and
GoF. I keep trying to insert fanfiction references! Gah, another reason why I
can't wait for "Order of the Phoenix".
Then of course, last and *certainly* least of the Marauders, we have Peter
Pettigrew. Who do I think he relates to? Colin Creevy. He and Colin were both
drawn to the most powerful wizards their age; in Peter's case, James and
Sirius, and in Colin's case, Harry. I think someday Colin is going to snap
from Harry constantly ignoring his efforts. Harry constantly sluffs him off
like an old coat, even though Colin puts such an effort into being Harry's
friend. He brings (well, *attempts* to bring) food to Harry in the hospital
wing in CoS, tries to get an autographed photo to prove to his father that he
*met* Harry, and even ropes Dennis into trying to bewitch the "Support Cedric
Diggory" badges. You never know, he may get into the loop with the
"triumverate", just as Pettigrew became an animagus with James and Sirius.
Colin could be dangerously close to the dark side of the force --sorry, got
carried away there-- to the dark side, willing to hide in the shadow of the
strongest wizard around.
I strongly disagree with your comparison of Ron and Pettigrew. Although he
acted like an insufferable git for a lot of the school year, I doubt that he
will truly betray Harry to the dark side, no matter how dwarfed he feels in
comparison with Harry's accomplishments. What were your reasons for pairing
the two?
Thoughts, anyone?
Ellie Rosenthal
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