[HPforGrownups] Digest Number 251
neptune_1984 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 8 21:14:32 UTC 2000
> Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 09:16:48 -0600
> From: Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer <pennylin at swbell.net>
> Subject: Re: Red vs. Blue for Neil (OT)
> Hi --
> Flying Ford Anglia wrote:
> > PS - is it red for Republicans, blue for Democrats? I was getting
> > confused by that, because in the UK red=socialists,
> > blue=conservatives.
> >
> Yes -- Red = Republican and Blue = Democrat on the TV news maps over
> here. I'm not sure *why* this is so.
> Penny
I may be able to provide a theory on this. Most news stations democratic in their
feelings, as they have close ties with Hollywood and the entertainment business is
democratic anyways. Now, I'm not for Bush but a Conservative pointed this out and I
realized that he could be right. When watching the news, look at the pictures of
Gore and Bush: Gore is usually smiling or else has a plain look to his face, and
his picture is surrounded in blue. Colors can be used psychologically, and blue is
the color everyone likes because it's a peaceful color. Now, look at Bush's
picture. Bush is usually portrayed (unless you watch Fox News, a mostly
conservative station) frowining or scowling, or if he has a plain face, his face
will have that one little "fold" to make it look "mean." His picture is surrounded
in red, and red is usually portrayed as an agressive color, a "mean" color.
This is my theory provided to me by a Conservative who was whining on how biased
the news stations were (oh, yeah, as if Fox News isn't biased).
Anake N.
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