Chapter 20 - The First Task

Sarah Rettger ara_kel at
Wed Nov 22 22:26:08 UTC 2000


Chapter 20  The First Task

Harry begins the chapter by telling Hermione about the
conversation he had with Sirius, and Sirius
suggestion that a simple spell will help Harry defeat
the dragon.  Together they dig through spellbooks, but
are unable to discover anything useful.  While they
are researching in the library, Viktor Krum comes in,
and Hermione is eager to leave.  She appears to
consider Krum and his fan club a nuisance.

Harry considers running away so he doesnt have to
compete in the tournament, but realizes that he is far
happier at Hogwarts than he has been at any point in
his life.  He decides he has to tell Cedric about the
dragons, so he uses a spell to rupture Cedrics bag in
an effort to get him alone.  Cedric is confused about
why Harry tells him about the dragons, but appreciates
the help.

Professor Moody overhears the conversation and takes
Harry into his office, which is filled with Dark
Detectors.  He tells Harry that what he has just done
is very noble, and that cheating has been a part of
the Triwizard Tournament since its creation.  He also
gives Harry some advice on the task: he has to know
what he is good at, and get what he needs.

When Harry realizes what Moody means, he finds
Hermione and asks her to help him practice a Summoning
Charm.  They spend most of the day practicing until he
finally masters the charm at two oclock in the

The next day, Harry is very nervous about the task. 
Finally he is called to the tent where Ludo Bagman
explains that the champions will have to select a
model of a dragon, which will be the dragon they will
face.  In order to pass the task, they must retrieve a
golden egg from each dragons nest.  Harry, going
last, gets the Hungarian Horntail, which he already
knows is considered the most dangerous.  Bagman offers
his help, which Harry declines.

When it is Harrys turn, he uses the Summoning Charm
to obtain his Firebolt.  He pretends that he is
playing Quidditch, and grabs the egg as if it is the
Golden Snitch.  He is the fastest.

Harry is sent to Madame Pomfrey, who bandages his
wounds.  As soon as he is released from the medical
tent, Ron comes over and says that he is sure someone
deliberately put Harrys name into the hat.  Without
formally making up, the two reestablish their
friendship to the delight of Hermione, who exclaims,
You two are so stupid!

The marks are posted, and Harry has tied for first
place with Viktor Krum.  The champions are told that
the eggs contain the clue they will need for the
second task.


1. In describing Harry and Hermiones search for the
right spell, JKR wrote They walked around the lake
three times  Does this have some significance, or is
she just trying to demonstrate that Harry and Hermione
spent a significant amount of time on their search.
2. Did the scene where Ron and Harry make up seem
realistic?  I dont know much about fourteen-year-old
boys, but something about that didnt ring right with
me.  Too easy, maybe?
3. How well chaperoned are Hogwarts students?  Are
they just left alone in their towers each night with
the assumption that they will stay in their beds all
night?  Harry and Hermione practice the Summoning
Charm in an empty classroom until midnight, and then
in their common room until two oclock, and they are
never seen by an adult.  Thoughts?
4. The Triwizard Tournament is supposed to foster
international magical cooperation, yet Moody tells
Harry that cheating has been an integral part of the
tournament since its inception.  Dont these two
aspects seem to be counterproductive? 


Don't refuse to go on an occasional wild goose chase.  That's what wild geese are for. -- Anon.

One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries. -- A. A. Milne

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