Weather patterns by state, completely OT, responding to Amanda's hot!

Denise Rogers gypsycaine at
Thu Oct 19 05:18:59 UTC 2000


Amanda, did you want snow?  Shivers......  Gotta love Ohio.  The weather is so wonderful, 32 one day, and 70 the next!  I love the changing seasons, but I prefer them to change over a period over time, not within 24 hours.  The saying goes, if you don't like the weather in Ohio, wait two hours.  It'll change.  (I have my air conditioner's fan (not the AC) pulling in air from outside, because it's gone hot again.  I wish it'd make up its mind--everyone's sick!)


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Amanda Lewanski 
  To: HPforGrownups at 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 7:08 PM
  Subject: Re: [HPforGrownups] Re: Changes to the magical community (was Wizardesses (Witches?) and their working habits...)

  mmarth at wrote:

  > You know, Amanda, Oreos and Coke or Fudge (#1) and coke make a great
  > breakfast!  I think this was the only interesting thing I read on the
  > board today.

  Well, I'm flattered.

  > Texas you say?  What a great state!

  Hmmm. Hot. No trees to speak of. Hot. Stickers. Hot. Bull nettles. Hot. Fire
  ants. Hot. Killer bees. Hot. 5,673 species of wasps and related unpleasant
  stinging things, 5,672 of which nest on my house. Hot. Scorpions. Hot. In
  the house. Hot. Brown recluse spiders. Hot. Also in the house. Hot. Black
  widows. Hot. Thankfully, outside. Hot. Whitetail deer eating anything I
  plant, so I gave up and piled bags of Purina Deer Chow attractively in
  decorative terra-cotta planters. Hot. Gophers eating what the deer miss.
  Hot. Leafcutter ants taking the rest. Oh, and did I mention it's too hot?

  Yeah, *love* it here, anyone want to make an offer on the house?

  --Amanda, native so I'm entitled to gripe, it's not like I moved here by
  choice or anything....  : )  ..seen snow three times! I'm about due, it's
  usually once a decade or so....

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