[HPforGrownups] . . . Peg's Posts

Peg Kerr pkerr06 at attglobal.net
Tue Sep 5 00:38:25 UTC 2000


> PEG -- great posts <snip>  BTW, I know you're a fairly new member & you
> probably don't know many of us that well yet.  But, I feel I should step
> in to Ebony's defense -- from my own judgment of Ebony, I'd say she's
> about the last person who might plagiarize anything.  I don't think she
> had any intention of taking your words & thoughts verbatim & passing
> them off as her own.  I know you said "no offense" & I take you at your
> word on that, but, in all honesty, the remark probably would have
> offended me if it had been directed at me.

Ouch.  Oh, dear, oh dear, I was afraid of that.  You're right, I'm new, but in the time (less than a week) I've been posting here, I've picked up enough of an impression of Ebony to think she wouldn't
plagiarize either--I gather she's involved in academia herself.   I rewrote what I said a couple of times, trying for the right tone.  I'm sure she didn't mean to sound as if she intended to plagiarize
and so I tried to reflect that back to her (I'm sure you intend to use your own ideas, don't you?)  And yet I feel strongly about plagiarism/copyright issues (as someone who has worked in academe and
makes part of my living from writing) and so I felt I ought to say something.  Sometimes, gentle irony just doesn't come across very well on email, does it?  For  any clumsiness in what I said (despite my
best attempts), I do apologize.

(I do hope this will help avoid hard feelings--and anyway, Ebony, if you do write a HP paper, I'd love to see it, ok?)  Thanks for the comment, Penny.


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