[HPforGrownups] Re: The gap in the Weasley family
Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer
linsenma at hic.net
Tue Sep 19 01:33:18 UTC 2000
Hi --
milz wrote:
> Harry being the youngest Quiddtich player in the last 100 years is
> very important because first years aren't generally allowed to be on
> the Quidditch teams. So, Charlie HAD to have been at least a second
> year when he began playing on the team.
I agree with that much. <g>
> Bill is the eldest Weasley son. Charlie is the second eldest. So if
> the last time Bill was at Hogwarts was when he was a student (17-18
> years old) and if that was "five years ago", then Bill would be 22-23
> in Book 4.
This is where we start to diverge I think. I don't think it's wise to
assume that Bill *must* have been a student when he was there 5 yrs
earlier. In fact, that *can't* work now that I think about it more. If
he was there as a *student* 5 yrs before GoF, that's *one* year prior to
SS (PS). That doesn't work because Charlie is said to be younger than
Bill. So, Charlie would have still been at Hogwarts in SS if Bill had
only been gone one year. Let's see . . . . 5 yrs prior to spring of GoF
(1995) is 1990. So, if Bill left Hogwarts in 1990, Charlie could
theoretically have left in the spring of 1991, with Ron & Harry starting
Hogwarts in the fall of 1991.
*But,* that sure doesn't square with the chronology of Gryffindor not
having won the Quidditch Cup in 7 yrs (which is since Charlie left).
I also think that it's not wise to think that Bill must have been a
student when he was last at Hogwarts (5 yrs prior to GoF) since he's
obviously there as an alumnus in GoF. So, if 5 yrs after GoF, he goes
back & comments "I haven't seen this place in 5 yrs," it would surely be
a mistake to assume he'd last been a student in 1995 when he was there
for the 3rd Task. See what I mean?
> In Book 3, Bill would have been 21-22 years old AND the last time
> Gryffindor won the House Quidditch Cup was 7 years ago. So Bill would
> have been 14 to 15 years old when the Quidditch Cup was won (21-22 -
> 7 years = 14-15 years). Since Charlie had to be at least in his
> second year to be eligible to play on the Quidditch Team, Charlie HAS
> to be at the most 2 years younger than Bill.
So, under this logic, Charlie helped them win the Quidditch Cup as a 2nd
or 3rd year, but then didn't win the Quidditch Cup for his last 4-5 yrs
at Hogwarts. This doesn't make much sense to me, considering that it's
said in several places that they haven't won the Quidditch Cup since
Charlie left, which surely implies very strongly that they last won the
Cup during his *final* year at Hogwarts. If he was only good enough to
help them win the Cup that one year, then why is he touted as such a
great Quidditch player, a player who could have played for England if he
hadn't gone off chasing dragons? I think this means that they last won
the Cup in 1987, which was Charlie's 7th year at Hogwarts. This makes
him about 24-25 in GoF.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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