House Cup and Quid Cup

storm stanford msmacgoo at
Thu Sep 21 10:23:34 UTC 2000


Kelly said - 

When you said it was seven years since Gryff won the House Cup in SS, 
I was thinking Quid Cup too.  So, I went back through SS to check, 
and I can't find Quid Cup mentioned anywhere.  When McG confronts 
Harry, Herm, and Neville when they get caught coming  from the tower 
to give Norbert to Charlie's friends (well, Harry and Herm were in 
the tower, Nev was out of bed), McG takes fifty points apiece from 
Gryff to punish them.  (Along with the Forbidden Forest.)  Harry's 
upset because this meant they lost the lead for the HOUSE Cup, the 
lead they'd gotten when Harry won the last Quid match.  If there's a 
Quid Cup as well as a House Cup, winning a Quid match wouldn't affect 
their chances for the House cup would it?  The Quid Cup isn't 
mentioned until CoS, Ch. 7 "Mudbloods and Murmurs", p. 108 Am 
version.  Really, go back through SS, Quid Cup is never mentioned.  
Do you think JKR realized how old it would make Bill and Charlie if 
it had been seven years before SS that they'd gotten out of school?  
Then decided to create and add in the Quid cup so she could say it'd 
been seven years (by PoA) since they'd won the Quid Cup, seven years 
since Charlie was there?  Hope this wasn't too confusing...

I think (thou I've no evidence to support it) that the Quid Cup is a sub set of the house cup - that mostly the house who wins at Quid (as main point scoring activity ) will win the house cup - but not always (eg the end of PS/SS).

As I said, no evidence - do any of the Brits know how these things work in UK schools?


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kelley 
  To: HPforGrownups at 
  Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 2:28 PM
  Subject: [HPforGrownups] Re: Weasley's and that age gap.

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  --- In HPforGrownups at, "Simon Branford" 
  > A couple of corrections are needed in here. In PS (Ch13) it is said 
  that it
  > is seven years since Gryffindor have won the House Cup. It is in 
  PoA that it
  > is said that it is seven years since they have won the Quidditch 
  Cup (PoA
  > Chs12 & 15). 

  > Simon (who needs to get back to writing these FAQ's)

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