Why Hermione Doesn't Like Ron

Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer linsenma at hic.net
Wed Sep 27 12:05:20 UTC 2000


Hi --

Susan McGee wrote:

> I DO think Hermione has indicated feelings for Ron. She finally
> confronts his jealousy by suggesting he ask her out more quickly next
> time.

We don't know what Ron said to her before Harry entered the common
room.  We're limited by Harry's POV.  Depending on what Ron said, it
could make her reply take on several different meanings.  If he said to
her what he did at the Ball -- "By going with Krum, you betrayed
Hogwarts & Harry in particular," then her response of "Well, if you
don't like it, you should have asked me before someone else & not as a
last resort" takes on a far less personal meaning.  In that case, she's
saying, "Fine.  If you think it's betrayal of Hogwarts, then great.  You
should have asked me earlier yourself.  You only asked me as a last
resort yourself you know."

I'll also point out that just because she's angry at his confrontation
of her does NOT mean she likes him back.

> She is QUITE annoyed when he succumbs to the Fleur/veela allure.

She's just annoyed because Ron is exhibiting rather boorish typical
adolescent boy behavior.  She'd have the same response if she saw
Neville swooning over Fleur.  She's furious in a general feminist sort
of way.  IMO, this is not necessarily personal.

> Harry indicates STRONGLY that Hermione is NOT his girlfriend. There
> is NO indication that he will change his feelings,

True enough that he has no feelings yet.  But, he's ONLY 14.  As I said
yesterday, he's only recently discovered girls are pretty.  He doesn't
know enough yet to know that being pretty might not be enough to base a
lifetime commitment on.  He's got plenty of time yet to think about
Hermione.  JKR herself said this in an interview (something about him
not dating Ginny or Hermione in Book 4, but he's only 14 so he's got
plenty of time left to change his mind).

> yet there are lots of indicators that both Hermione and Ron are
> already interested in each other.

Lots of indicators Ron is interested in Hermione.  Not so many
indicators she's interested in Ron (IMO).

> Harry cares for Hermione as a good friend, but it's
> his "wheezy" who he would miss the most.

I will NEVER buy the argument that Harry cares for Ron more than
Hermione.  That completely undermines the Trio's friendship if you start
down that path.  And, there is simply NO evidence that he cares less for
her.  He feels a special male bond with Ron, but he's only 14.  He's
probably already realized the worth of Hermione's loyalty by the end of
GoF.  *She* was the only one to stick by him in a rough spot, and I
don't doubt that he knows that.

> Ron and Hermione have always spatted in the tradition of adolescent
> crushes

I've never understood why this is supposed to indicate that they will
have the perfect romantic relationship.  Those "cute endearing little
spats" could turn into some very ugly & bitter arguments that won't be
the least bit cute when Ron's insecurities & jealousies are triggered by
Hermione's successes.

> But most tellingly, they become "oddly formal" with each other.

Of course, they do.  Lots of people do this immediately after they've
had a fight with someone.  It takes a bit of time to reestablish
friendly ground again.

> I can't wait for the next book to watch their blossoming romance
> continue....

Farmer in the Dell, Farmer in the Dell . . . heigh ho the derry o, the
Farmer in the Dell.  . . . .

I agree with Cassandra's post last night about why Hermione is just not
right for Ron.  There's just no way she can be the right partner for
him.  She is not a background figure.  If *anyone* needs a rather meek &
background figure as a romantic partner, it's Ron (not Harry as in
H/G).  Ron's personality has been sketched out enough for us to know him
as a very jealous person with tons of insecurities & sensitivities &
prone to outbursts.  Does this really sound like a match made in heaven
when you stack up what we know about his personality with what we know
about Hermione's personality?  I just don't see the basis for a
long-term relationship.  Even if they do date, I don't know *why*
everyone assumes it *will* last once they get together.

I still think people are focusing on the obvious surface-level text of
Ron's crush on Hermione & (a) transferring reciprocal feelings back to
Hermione, and (b) ignoring the fact that they are fundamentally
incompatible in the long-run.

And, it would be way too obvious for JKR to do a Ron/Herm romance.  Does
she ever do the expected?  That's why I still think it's Farmer in the
Dell as far as the canon is concerned.  :--)


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