Hermione's future
Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer
pennylin at swbell.net
Sat Jan 20 04:13:37 UTC 2001
Hi --
Ebony wrote:
> I'm sorry, but I don't think "locked up, barefoot and pregnant" could
> ever be used all at once to describe our Miss Granger in any plausible
> future scenario.
> Unless, of course, there is something in her character that would cause
> her to pull a post-canonical Anne on readers (Trina and Barbara know
> what I'm talking about). That would really cause my poor teeth to be
> ground to powder. It was one thing for a girl genius to throw in the
> towel at the turn of the last century... she had few career choices.
> It's quite another for the smartest witch of her generation to sit at
> home knitting and baking cookies.
Then, Heather chimed in:
> What about the theory that the purpose of education is to give you
> choices, not take them away. Being the smartest witch of her generation
> gives Hermione the oppportunity to choose what she wants to do, and those
> choices may change depending on the life stage she is at.
> What if at some point Hermione wants to sit at home and bake cookies?
> Would that be so awful? Personally I can't see that she would want to, but
> that's not the issue. I deplore those who tell women they are wasting their
> education (usually its their degree) staying at home.
Yeah ... I've got thoughts on this. Definitely. <g> I don't think
Hermione is the type to ever be "locked up, barefoot & pregnant" because
the phraseology suggests that a choice was made *for* her (by a male).
Education is very much about giving women choices. I also deplore those
who tell women they're wasting their education if they choose to stay
home with children (or without children). My mother-in-law implies this
alot about me, mainly I think because she didn't have an opportunity to
get a college education and never had the choices I have. I retired from
practicing law last January (although I still do an occasional consulting
project). I did so primarily to focus on having a family but also
because I had learned after 9+ years that I *hated* being an attorney.
*Hated* it! I still like the intellectual challenge of thinking about
legal issues now & then but the actual *practice* of law was an anathema
to me. I chose to "stay home" and focus on a writing career. Now, we're
about to have a baby and I have a feeling my writing career will be at
least temporarily way-laid (although Peg presents a good role model for
actually writing books while one has young children!).
Long way of saying: I think Hermione could change her mind at some point
in life. She too might make the wrong career choice & decide to stay
home with kids for a few years while she re-tools her career. Or, maybe
she will believe strongly that staying home with the kids is the right
thing to do, even at the sacrifice of a few years off an otherwise
fulfilling professional life. Or, she'll work part-time & try to have a
little of both worlds. Or, she'll continue her career & hire a nanny or
daycare or what have you. Or, she'll remain childless perhaps. Lots of
choices. She'll have choices though. She *is* the type person I think
to make a choice, for whatever reasons seem right to her at the time.
She's not the type to stand back & let others choose her destiny for her.
> So which of the three would serve as a role model for Hermione? Dr.
> Granger? Molly? Minerva? Some combination of the three women?
I think they will all serve as a role model for Hermione in their own
way. It'll all combine to influence her life. Maybe her own mum stayed
a home for a few years while Hermione was very young. Or, maybe not.
Maybe Molly Weasley had a fulfilling career prior to Bill coming along &
gave it up to stay home with the kids. We are limited in the female PoV
in these stories -- we definitely don't have the full picture.
Okay ... carpal tunnel is really getting to me so I need to end this long
rambling missive. Not sure I said anything that made any sense anyway.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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