[HPforGrownups] Re: Hermione the housewife?(OT)

Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer pennylin at swbell.net
Sun Jan 21 14:58:03 UTC 2001


Hi --

Jen Piersol wrote:

> Susan said:
> > My point being....that the discussion on list did not even take >
> into account that the boys/men might want the choice of staying >
> home...or staying home and working caring for kids and the
> > home...... > I'm all for strong female role models for kids, but
> children need
> > strong role models of ALL genders...
> > Doesn't it say something that we can't even think outside the box >
> enough about this to consider fathers as primary caregivers of >
> children?

I seem to have missed Susan's original post (or the post she was
responding to).  Anyway .... I have several friends where the woman is
the full-time breadwinner and the dad stays at home with the kids.  The
arrangement works very well.  My own husband would go insane rather than
stay at home with our children, but my temperment is perfectly suited
for this (I think!).  In our case, it's not being handled out of
preconceived gender roles.

> Secondly, as someone who violently relates to Hermione, I have to say
> that I'm enjoying the "choosing to stay at home doesn't mean you
> wasted your education" comments.  <snip>  And I really want to stay
> home with my daughter.  The main thing that is holding me back is the
> nagging
> voice in my head saying, "But everyone expected you to *do* something
> with your life."  Ugh.  I really need to find a spine and tell
> everyone to go to Hades, don't I? ;)

Yes!  I've always excelled academically and plenty of my family members
& friends are shocked that I want to stay home with children.  Of
course, I also want to write some too so I suppose I'm trying to have a
little of both worlds.  But still.  I would tell everyone to go to
Hades, Jen!  :--)

Like Jen, I can imagine circumstances when Hermione might also decide
that she wanted to retool her career options & stay home with the kids,
just stay home or a variety of other things.  It's all about having


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