SHIP: CUPID'SBLUDGER on the rebound (WAS: Snape's Secret Snogging)
pollux46 at
Wed Apr 24 22:35:02 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 38141
It is a beautiful, balmy, sun--baked day over in the regions of Canon
Cove. The sky is cloudless and not a even a hint of a wave disturbs
the smooth waters. All is quiet and peaceful. . . Huh, what? All?
Well maybe not * all*. . . Almost unnoticeable a faint ripple
distorts the flat surface of the calm waters. Canonical plausibility
has been disturbed. Something is emerging from the deep.
Down, down, down in the abyss of the depths Captain Charis Julia of
the rather battered and a bit the worse for wear
C.U.P.I.D.'S.B.L.U.D.G.E.R. is swinging her periscope first left and
then right. Suddenly she stops. "What's that?" she ask herself. "Why,
a rock and . . . and a sailor standing on it!". One lone sailor in
the middle of an endless ocean, standing on a rock and calling
out: "Arabella! It could be Arabella! Snape might have been in love
with Arabella!" Curiouser and curiouser. . .
L. Terrell Gould, III wrote:
>Upon listening to PS/SS the other day (Jim Dale version), an odd and
>troubling thought popped into my head. It is mentioned, rather off
>handedly as
>the narrator is listing reasons Harry hates it at her home, that
>Mrs. Figg's
>house smells of cabbage. Cabbage? Well, of course, this could just
>be to stress
>how old she is (I know quite a few "people of age" who have adopted
>a rather
>:curious odor closely akin to cabbage), OR, adding to the pot the
>fact that we
>"know" she is a witch (the very same Arabella Figg mentioned in
>GoF), maybe the
>smell isn't cabbages at all, but brewing potions! Stay with me
>here...... Ok,
>so the idea that Mrs. Figg may be very talented at potions, who
>better to
>attract the oh-so-terribly-lonesome-heart of one....... Severus
So, L. Terrell Gould, III, you think Snape might have had a
girlfriend (other than Lily), do you? Hmmm, interesting. . .
Now, see, normally I wouldn't broach this subject at all, not with
the innocent at any rate, not with the uninitiated, 'cos you see it's
really kinda, errrr, well, <Charis shifts uncomfortably in her seat>,
well, kinda * taboo*. And, err if any of the Mods, or List Elves or
Poltergeists happen to be hovering around. . . <faint shiver passes
down back>. . . well, let's just not think about that, shall we? It
doesn't matter anyway 'cos now all that's changed. Now, * now* I've
got * cabbage*! You've given me * cabbage*! I mean, it's * cabbage*,
and Mrs Figg * smells* of it. She smells of cabbage, and we all know
that, it's stated in * Canon* and obviously, * obviously* this is
important. It's way important. It's huge, astounding, momentous. It's
Huh? Whasat? What' s C.U.P.I.D.'S.B.L.U.D.G.E.R.? Good question.
Well, to tell you the truth, it's a (fully legitimate, mind) SHIP.
It's name stands for Contrary to Unrequited Passion Infelicitously
Devouring Severus, Black's Love of Unknown Damsel Get's Expected
Response. According to C.U.P.I.D.'S.B.L.U.D.G.E.R. Severus Snape fell
for the same girl as Sirius Black. We had a quite interesting and
also rather, hmm, funny and, well, yes, bordering on the silly
discussion of this theory a while ago that quickly got rather, errr,
wonky, as Cupid kept on adding to an evergrowing collection of
Quidditch balls (Cupid's Snitch, C.U.P.I.D.'S.Q.U.A.F.F.L.E.), but
<Charis hurriedly interjects> that merely proves it's unlimited
adaptability, that does. We cater for all tastes.
What does all this have to do with Arabella Figg? Errr, well that's
exactly were things start getting rather, well, sticky. It was about
this time I recall that Elkins decided to pull a straight face and
haul me over to the OTChatter. Hmmm, that of course was really
because of E.L.G.I.N.M.A.R.B.L.E.S. (Excitable Love God's
Irresponsible Negligence over Marauders' Affairs Results in Breakups
and Lovestarved Educators Sorrowing), a perfectly respectable,
though slightly, errr, unfounded and very <slight cough> * pink*
suggestion that well, got wilder and wilder as it progressed. And,
yes, it was banished. Excommunicated. <slight flinch> * Sunk*.
But <conciderably brighter> of course all this was ages ago. . . all
b.C. (before Cabbage). Now, after armouring myself with the crispiest
leaves (cabbage is flotsam, isn't it?), I feel brave enough to
attempt a rescue mission for Arabella at least, if not the whole of
In E.L.G.I.N.M.A.R.B.L.E.S. I suggested albeit rather tonguein
cheek stylethat the Mystery Girl could in fact be none other than
the Fantastic Mrs. Figg, adopting the little old lady disguise in
order to watch over Harry while he's at the Dursleys and shunning the
wizarding world because Vold War I in combination with Friends
Deaths, Boyfriend's Betrayal and Discovery of Admirer's DeathEating
Past drove her to Muggledom.
This proposal has the advantage of:
1) explaining Mrs Figg's generous embracing of the Muggle World
despite almost all wizards' (even the Weasleys') rather condescending
attitude towards nonmagical people.
2) giving the books a witch in her 30's, of which breed there seems
to be a conspicuous lack up till now in Canon
3) explaining Snape and Sirius's pre--PoA mutual abhorrence and
providing the Prank with an believable backstory instead of the
flimsy "slimy, oily, greasyhaired telltale that tried to get us
expelled" story that Sirius seems to be stubbornly sticking to
despite it's rather unflattering insinuations for his character.
4) having inexhaustible supplies of potential for future development
as all characters involved are still actually * alive*.
5)offering the possibility of a new, more accepting and understanding
wizarding appreciation of Muggles, which is truly in tune with the
Light Side's antidiscrimination principles.
6)Managing to neatly wrap up into one wonderful theory both George
and Big Bang (George playing Exploding Snap anyone?) as nobody is
actually sugesting that love--affairs rule Snape's life, and only
carefully calculated pressure at crucial cornerstones of his life is
applied to nudge him in the right direction. Arabella, in my version
of events, is merely the catalyst, not the cause of Snape's choises.
L. Terrell again:
>This theory (with Mrs.Figg) suits me because it means Snape might
have a chance for >happiness in the future
Well, yeah, I guess you could have Arabella ending up with Snape in
the end if you must, though personally I'd rather see her with
Sirius. I like my Snape nasty and embittered. But, hey!, there's no
accounting for taste, is there?
Incidentally if you're interested in looking up the full story behind
my hurried presentation check out Messages 35144, 35156, 35303,
35375, 35683, 35318 and attached answers from this Chamber and 9715
and 9902 from the OTChatter.
Charis Julia, pointing out that it is in shipwrecks that the most
splendid treasures can be found.
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