[HPforGrownups] Harry's death?

Gail Bohacek gandharvika at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 2 00:49:31 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 41996

Richelle Votaw wrote in regard to having Harry "Bite the Big One" by the end 
of the series:

>Now let me take this from an educator's standpoint.  I see children who 
>turned on to reading for the first time in their lives being turned off 
>reading just as fast.  I for one would truly be sorry I had ever read the

I was gleaning over my copies of PS/SS and CoS yesterday & today, making the 
observation how JKR's style of writing the HP series has evolved from 
something cool for kids to read to something much more in depth and darker 
in nature (yesterday in Border's, @ a Harry Potter Birthday festival, I had 
one mother tell me that she wouldn't let her kids read GoF).  PS/SS as far 
as I know it, orginally started out for youngsters, but we adults can 
appriciate the humor and subject matter more deeply...and I wonder if JKR 
isn't tailoring her books now to suit an older audience.  Although it would 
make an interesting, although tragic, way to end the HP series to allow the 
Hero to die, I do know that all those tykes I saw wearing pointy witch's 
hats at Borders would be absolutely devistated.

Richelle Continues:

>As far as canon to support whether he lives or dies, is >there any?

And I Say:

Professor Trelawney makes the predicition every other chance she gets.

Richelle Continues:

>As far as
>I can tell, things that seem like foreshadowing could >possibly be:
>--Dumbledore's death, somehow a result of Hagrid's >screwing up ("I would
>trust Hagrid with my life.--SS/PS)
>--Ron's death, based on his willingness to sacrfice himself, again in SS/PS
>Anyone else?

My Turn! My Turn!

I was just thinking about this one while I was supposed to be on-the-job 
(amazing how the body can go on automatic-pilot while the brain is so far, 
far away...)

I think Mr. Arthur Weasley...and my evidence to back it up?  I don't have 
the book in front of me, so I can't quote it verbatum, but when Harry is at 
the Weasley's house in GoF, there is a clock which tells not the time, but 
where each member of the family is...at work, traveling, _mortal danger_, 
_DEATH_....  My twisted mind came up with the scenerio where Arthur Weasley 
meets up with Mr Malfoy!Death Eater who AKs him in cold blood("Mudbloods and 
Muggle-lovers first!", isn't that a quote from Draco at the end of GoF?).  
Now imagine the scene in the Weasley's living room; Molly Weasley going 
hysterical as she watches her husband's hand on the clock turn from "mortal 
danger" to "Dead"...the whole Weasley clan, in mourning...now that's heavy!

-Gail B. who is glad she is not alone in her obsession with HP.


Richelle sez:

>I just wish books 5, 6, and 7 would suddenly apparate >in front of me and 
>tell all.

Ah, but then we wouldn't have the suspense and fun in speculating with 
what's to come! :)

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