What Dobby knew was Re: On the nature of theories/MAGIC DISHWASHER

pippin_999 foxmoth at qnet.com
Sun Dec 1 16:14:43 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47523

--- In HPforGrownups at y..., "bluesqueak" <pipdowns at e...> 
>>Canon point: In CoS Dobby knows all about the Riddle Diary 
plot. To know about it, Dobby must have heard Lucius talking 
about it. The options are: Malfoy's wife, his son (which Draco 
denies), his house-elf – or the original owner of the diary.<<

If the diary plot was between Diary!Riddle and Lucius, then 
Dobby could have found out about it just by reading over Lucius's 
shoulder. It's clear that wizards aren't accustomed to thinking 
about their House Elves as security risks, and in any case, 
House Elves are pretty good at not being seen when they don't 
wish to be.


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