Harry's vault key

Jacqui jasonjacqui at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 2 00:42:28 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47569

That's a good thought.  I still have to wonder, though, what they
were kept safe for?  Harry was with Lily and James.  There are no 
other relatives.  What would Dumbledore, or anyone else, be keeping 
all the stuff safe for?

 Me:  Trelawney's first prediction.  Her first predictin must have
 been of the death of Lily and James...Not Harry.  That would explain
 the reasoning behind Dumbledore having the Potter's belongings.  
That also gives you an inkling that Dumbledore knows why Harry wasn't 
killed that night.  There has got to be some kind of connection
 between the two of them...Harry & Dumbledore...I can't quite put my 
finger on it though....

 > (Trelawney's first prediction, perhaps?) and went to Dumbledore to
 > > give him Harry and several items they did not want to fall into 
 > DE's
 > > hands, but Dumbledore convinced them to hide themselves and the
 > baby with the
 > > Fidelius Charm, but James insisted he keep the stuff for some
 > reason.
 > >
 > > (full of holes I know)
 > >
 > > The Queen of Serpents

 You know last night I was actually thinking about the same thing.  I
  was curious as to wether or not Trelawney's first prediction was
  actually the death of Lily and James.  That would explain alot of 
the little things, like, James's invisibility cloak, and the vault 


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