Mudbloods and Nukes

rinceceol rinceceol at
Tue Dec 3 05:59:17 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47633

CK wrote:
<<Connotation, for one thing. It's the difference between saying "that 
whole family is rotten" and calling someone a "nigger" - a word  that 
in addition to its denotative meaning has a LOT of historical and 
emotional significance.>>

I replied:
I'm so glad to finally see someone else draw the comparison between the words "mudblood" and "nigger."  To me, it was always obvious how derogatory they were trying to make that word seem, but I've read so much fanfiction that uses the word "mudblood" as a neutral description for a muggle-born witch/wizard, that I've wanted to scream.

<<Sherry Garfio wrote:
 I would also like to add that there is a new threat today
against the Wizards: Muggle technology.>>

I replied: 

I've sometimes wondered about this:  if there was another great Muggle war (or even in the wars of the past), do witches and wizards have any way of protecting themselves from the dangers inherent in such a war?  I mean, if someone nukes England, it certainly affects the wizard populace as much as the Muggles, doesn't it? *shrug*

For that matter, what's stopping somone like Voldemort (or any Death Eater) from putting Imperius on, say, the safety inspector at a local nuclear power plant...when said plant plant blows sky-high, that would certainly kill enough Muggles.  But then again (don't mind me, I often play my own Devil's Advocate!), we've not really seen any evidence that even the most intelligent of Wizards has any useful knowledge of the Muggle world. Look at Arthur Weasley!  He's head of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office, and he doesn't seem to have a clue, honestly.  Astonishing, really, when you think about the number of muggle-born wizards and witches there are out there.


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