Harry's Relation to Voldemort

erisedstraeh2002 erisedstraeh2002 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 3 15:53:16 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47640

Lady Promethia wrote:

> As far as I can tell no one has brought up the theory of the 
> possibility that Lord Voldemort is a relation of Harry's on
> Lily's side. 

Now me:

This has been brought up before, and there is a contingent of listies 
that believes the Harry is related to Voldemort.  However, I don't 
happen to be among them, based on the events in CoS.

CoS explored Harry's potential relationship to Slytherin (and by 
extension, to Voldemort), and concluded that Harry is *not* related 
to Slytherin (and therefore, by extension, that he's not related to 
Voldemort, since Voldemort is the last remaining descendant of 


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