Exhuming Tom Riddle the Elder
Malady579 at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 5 01:55:53 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 47749
Barb wrote:
> Dramatically, it also makes sense that the only complication to the
>spell will be Harry's blood.
<Psst> Barb. Even without MD in tow behind me, another complication
is also in the text. Peter's life dept to Harry. That also "flawed"
the potion. A part, I am fairly sure, Voldie did not know about.
And I also want to throw my support on the fact the spell would of
known who the father of Voldie was. Spells cut to the truth it seems,
and if not, then the spell would not of worked without the "bones of
the father." The other parts of the spell were true even if they had
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