Could Quidditch really work?

Susan Miller smiller_92407 at
Fri Dec 6 19:50:05 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47857

--- In HPforGrownups at y..., "Megalynn S." <megalynn44 at h...> wrote:
> The thing that gets me most about Quidditch is the 150 pts. Why 
can't the 
> game just be over when the snitch is caught? Or why not 50 points? 

My complaint about Quidditch is along the same lines. Why is it 10 
points for a goal and 150 points for a snitch catch? Why not 1 and 
15? Just to have the points rack up to a high score? I presume they 
just have the trailing zero painted on the scoreboard since it can't 
be anything else.

And furthermore - why don't they wear helmets? In the MTMNBN (maybe 
in the book, too, I don't remember) they wear gloves and shin pads, 
providing protection where it isn't needed, but nothing where it 
could do some good.

~ Constance Vigilance ~

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