Correction on Minerva's meaning; thoughts on Lupin

Ashfae ashfae at
Tue Dec 10 07:54:58 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48037

> From: Linda C. McCabe <lmccabe at>
> The quickest thing up front is to correct Ashfae's posting on: "if Minerva
> McGonagall is the virgin goddess of the hunt I shall be very surprised."  I
> would be too since that role belongs to Artemis/Diana and not
> Athena/Minerva.  (I prefer the Greek over the Roman myths.)  And since I'm
	*smacks self in head* And I call myself a folklorist; this is what 
I get for answering posts in the middle of the night when I'm half-asleep. 
Thanks very much for pointing out my mistake; sorry if I confused anyone! 
(I'm firmly with you in the Minerva Is Not Ever So Evil category, for the 
record; it'd ruin her entire character if she were evil. Hurrah for strict 
but fair teachers!)

> (BTW - small OT - is this the Ashfae of the Triple-S boards?)
	Probably. I don't think there's more than one of me running 
around, though it's always possible I have an evil twin. Or a split 
personality. Yeah, it's not my fault I mixed up Minerva and Diana, it was 
that *other* Ashfae...*gryn*

	Here's something that often bothers me. Does anyone else feel that
Lupin gets a bit of a raw deal? I'm not referring to the fact that he's a
werewolf, everyone's prejudiced, yadda yadda...what I mean is that all
through Goblet of Fire, whenever Harry was longing for an adult to confide
in and wrote to Sirius, I kept wanting to kick him for never considering
Lupin. Fer crying out loud, Remus was one of James Potter's best friends
as well, and Harry knows him *better* than he knows Sirius! Did all those
Patronus lessons mean nothing? Bah humbug. Entirely possible that I'm just
a Remus fan who was miffed that he didn't appear in book four, I suppose,
but still...if he was such a popular DADA teacher, I wish more of the
students (or at least Harry/Ron/Hermione) remembered him!


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