Wizards and their eye-wear

naama2486 <naama2486@yahoo.com> naama2486 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 10 16:42:59 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48061

Hi, all!

I've been wondering about something- whenever a student at Hogwarts 
gets sick, hurt, beaten, cursed at, whatever they get to Madam 
Pomfrey, and get cured farely quickly. And she's only a nurse.

So, if magical medicine is so advanced, how come so many wizards 
still have glasses?! Are they so attached to their spectacles that 
they won't magically rid themselves of them? I wear glasses since I 
was six, and I know that if I had a magical solution I'd use it.

Thoughts, anyone?

 --Naama the New, Returned from Darkness

Can you imagine Wizards with contact lens?

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