Theory on the Death in book 5?
bobafett at
Wed Dec 11 19:00:40 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 48159
Acording to Book 5 (The Brotherhood of The Phoenix) will be the death of someone significant.
In their facts area it states, And i quote "
a.. One of the main characters, one of Harry's "fans" will die (not Ron or Hermione though). The death will be "horrible to write."
(Can be found at
There were a few things about this statement that chimed in my head while browsing the Lexicon.
(The Harry potter Lexicon
The fact that one of harrys "FANS" will die and it will/was "horrible to write" rang out to me while reading the who's who in the wizarding section of the site, in particular the L-N section of the master list where it mentions McDonald, Natalie, Gryffindor, 94-01.
Here it states, and i quote,
"McDonald, Natalie
Gryffindor, 94-01
Natalie's name comes from a Canadian girl who was very sick. She loved the Harry Potter books and contacted JKR. The author wrote her and told her her some of the secrets of the books to come, but Natalie
had died by the time the letter arrived. Natalie's mother responded and she and JKR have since become friends. Jo put Natalie in GF, sorted into Gryffindor, as a tribute. (story originally appeared in the Toronto Globe and Mail) "
So I concluded that considering both these sorces reliable and the facts displayed acurat i would say that Natlie McDonald would be a "FAN" and her Death would be "Horrible to write".
But perhaps she is to sacrifice herself for the greater good, or to save her true love (Harry James Potter).
Regardless this is just a plausable theory and i would like to see what other people think of it
P.S. Dumbledore stated Harry's and Volde's wands where brothers due to the fact they share the feather's from the same phoenix, so it would make sence to me if "The Brotherhood Of The Phoenix" was refering to the relationship between harry and volde.
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