The death in book 5 and..... Hello... I'm Eudaemonia

eudaemonia_splinched <> splinched at
Wed Dec 18 05:40:20 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48483

--- In HPforGrownups at, <snuffles__ at h...>" 
<snuffles__ at h...> wrote:
> Personally my thoughts on the dead character would have to be 
> Dumbledore.  I think it only makes sense that the one person 
> Voldemort fears the most should pass away as Harry is coming of age 
> as it were...  I mean, there is a good amount of story and 
> development that could go along with this.  It just makes sense, 
> doesn't it?  

Hi, I'm new... let me jump in :-)

I agree that Dumbledore's likely to be the one to die based on... 
well, Snuffy said it in the abovementioned best. In book one: "After 
all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great 
adventure"; in book two: "you will find that I will only truly have 
left this school when none here are loyal to me" -- sounds as if he's 
giving warning of an eminent depart. 

And there must be something to the fact that the title of book 5 
is "The Order of the Phoenix" and Dumbledore happens to have a 
phoenix (that ironically gave feathers to both Harry and Voldemort's 
wands). I even have this way-out-there theory that Dumbledore can 
transfigure into a phoenix as well so if he dies, he'll be reborn 
from the ashes. "Order" may be taken as an organized union of people -
- understandable from what was taking action in the ending of Goblet 
of Fire -- but it could also be taken as the lifeline order of the 
phoenix. :-/ Don't mind me, I'm just a bit taken with the titles 
after Chamber of Secrets ;-)


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