Time Travel

Andrea M. Emerick andie at knownet.net
Sun Dec 29 21:59:39 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48958

Okay, first, this whole time-turner thing is giving me a headache.  :)   

Secondly, my point... I think that while Hermione was using the time turner to get to all her classes, there was only one Hermione.  Is this possible?  Remember, she did say that he had been using it to "do hours over again", not to create duplicate copies of herself.  Plus, if anyone remembers, when Harry & Ron are on their way to charms, they know that Hermione is right behind them, and then when Ron turned around, Hermione had disappeared.  Could it be that she just clicked the time turner and was transported back an hour to do another class.  So, every time an hour would go by, she would go back to do that hour again, except go do a different class this time.  Could there just be another version of that hour as opposed to more than one Hermione?  Wow, is this confusing... :)  Anyway, just a though!


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