Invisibility Cloak

sharana.geo <> sharana.geo at
Sun Dec 29 22:37:05 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48965

vaseemf at writes:

>  One of the things that truobles me is how Harry can see the
> cloak. If light passes through it or around it he shouldn't be
> able to see it.

As I recall in SS/PS's movie, when Harry received the cloak as a 
present, you can see it. Harry starts to become invisible the moment 
he is putting his cloak on (when he opens it and pulls it across his 
shoulders). I think the cloak must detect when there is something or 
someone touching the inside of the cloak (not counting the cloak 
itself). When this happens, it turns invisible.

When the cloak is not in use, it just appears to be a cloak.

Or maybe the cloack has some level of inteligence, which appears to 
be common in Potterverse. Remember when Mr. Weasley told Ginny to 
not trust an inteligent object if you can't see where it keeps its 
brains. Or how the Marauder's Map insulted Snape.


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