Invisibility Cloak

Susan Miller <> constancevigilance at
Mon Dec 30 21:14:22 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48995

vaseemf at y... writes:
>One of the things that truobles me is how Harry can see the
> cloak. If light passes through it or around it he shouldn't be
> able to see it.

For those who get National Geographic, in this month's edition, there 
is an article that discusses, among other things, "Active 
Camouflage". This is a garment, looking remarkably like a cloak, that 
is made from spider silk. There is some kind of technology added to 
it so that it projects to any viewer the view that is behind it, 
rendering the wearer pretty darn close to invisable, other than a 
slight distortion. Thus, muggle technology directly simulates magic 
in the real world! :) But maybe the invisibility cloak does something 

The article doesn't address the throwing of shadows that brought up 
this thread in the first place, but in the pictures in the magazine, 
people stand close enough to walls so that that is less of a problem. 
Maybe Harry and co. do something similar?

By the way, the spider silk is created by genetically engineered 
goats. Is this the result of Aberforth's experiments? Just wondering.

~ Constance Vigilance ~

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