Time Only Moves Forward Theory

Anna Hemmant <orlaquirke2002@yahoo.com> orlaquirke2002 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 30 01:56:41 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48973

 bboy said:
> The history of the world only occurs once. It's never redone. It may
> be re-written, but it is never redone at least not in conscientious,
> honorable, safe, and sanely applied time travel. (In my 'Time Moves
> Forward Theory')...
> There seems to be (and I could very easily be mistaken) the believe
> that the history of Harry1/Hermione1 occurred then they went back in
> time and 're-did' or re-lived that history again. That the first 
time history was lived, there was only one Harry and Hermione, and the
> second time there were two...
> When we first read of the history of this three hours, we are simply
> unaware of the existance of the second set of Harry and Hermione, 
>but they are there. They always were there, and they always will 
>have been there during that three hours. 

> It is only when you start in the future and attempt to go back that
> you get this dual history phenomena. 

Surely you only get the duality when going into the future? I can't 
remember the argument exactly, but one of my friends wrote me a 
letter that explained his theory of how time travel might be 
possible. He described time as linear, but traveling in a spiral. He 
pointed out that if a way was found of cutting through the fabric of 
space time, we could, at specific points in the future, drop through 
into specific points in the past. He believed, because there was only 
one 'set' of time, that time travel into the future was not 

bboy said:
If you just let history play out,
> you realize that H2/H2 always have been and always will be there
> during that three hours. It's a historical fact. When Harry and
> Hermoine use the time turner, that doesn't create history, it only
> explains why history played out the way it did.
> Harry and Hermione do not alter any documented history. In the end, 
> all they have done isconfirmed or perhaps documented how and why   
> history played out the first and only time.

Being of the fatalist school of philosophy, I believe (even if 
naively) that everything happens for a reason. Therefore, I do not 
think it is possible for time travel to ruin the fabric of space 
time. The events that occured in PoA were always, in my opinion, 
meant to occur. This was the way that the events were played out 
because this is the way they were written down in some mythological 
future history book in the sky.  

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