[HPforGrownups] Death In OotP/ Books 6 and 7/Voldemort's Fate?
Laura Ingalls Huntley
huntleyl at mssm.org
Tue Dec 31 22:35:49 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 49045
> It would teach a powerful lesson, one that I believe in
> wholeheartedly: "In the end, you're all you've got. That's the point."
>Hm, I'm kind of hoping there will be a different lesson.
>Something along the lines: Sometimes a team can achieve,
>what one alone cannot (no matter how talented that one may
*thinks this is a much better lesson, and one that Harry actually needs to
learn* He pretty much has the lone hero mindset down pat, IMO. What he
really needs to learn is how to reach out to others when he is in need
(emotionally, as well as in life-threatening situations). Admittedly, it's
perfectly understandble why he doesn't do this (he was pretty much on his
own for the first eleven years of his life), but it's still something *I*
feel he needs to come to grips with and fix.
Don't know if JKR will actually let him, though...she seems a victim of the
lone warrior outlook as well. (Which is interesting, because - like Harry -
she's survived trying times very much on her own..being a single mom, etc.)
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