Genetically Enchanced Harry?/Pre-Hogwarts Harry

caes56 Caeser56 at
Mon Feb 25 19:13:11 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 35726

     Hello all, again! 

-----Catlady wrote:-----------------
Imagine how Harry would feel if he found that his parents hadn't 
particularly loved each other, but had each broken up with the 
person they really loved because they were the two with the best 
magic or genes to bear the designer baby? And they hadn't 
particularly wanted a baby to cuddle or a child to play Catch with, 
but only to do their part to create a weapon against the Dark Lord? 
And no one had ever cared whether he'd be happy in life, but they 
only wanted to use him against Voldemort. I can see reason for him 
to throw a huge tantrum, shouting: "None of you have ever done 
anything for me that would give you a right to demand that I throw 
my life away to save you!"
----------Uncmark Wrote:------------

I'm thinking Harry probably fulfills some great prophecy about 'a 
great wizard raised by muggles wo defeated Avada Kedavra while still 
a babe. I don't believe that a prophecy would negate free will. 
Harry's rower comes from his parent's love and sacrifice, which 
magic should not be able to affect. No spell should cause true love 
and I'm sure the ancient magic that made Hqarry immune to Vmort was 
from his mother's sacrifice FREELY GIVEN!

I am wondering about the relevence to the color GREEN to Harry. His 
eyes are described as 'brilliant GREEN'; he remembers the GREEN 
flash of LV's magic attack(was this Avada Kedavra?) and rumors have 
it that a future book will be something like "Harry Potter and the 
Green Flame" haveing to do with the nature of magic.

      Catlady, you're thinking right along my lines! It's a pretty 
funky idea that possibly, maybe, Harry's fate was meant to be! 
      To Uncmark: even with the idea that Harry was "made to combat 
Dark Wizards", it could still very much be about free will! Think 
about it for a second- if you had lived a good portion of your life- 
about 18 years or so, with terror all around you because a wizard 
was destroying everything and murdering people, you'd be scared too! 
So, if you were given an option, say, of raising a child who would 
become the wizard who defeats this Dark Wizard, but the baby would 
need to be enhanced at birth to fight him, wouldn't that be a choice 
that we hope most people would make? Maybe, along those lines, James 
and Lily Potter were together because they made a good enough 
couple, but genes, or magic, or whatever factor you wish to choose, 
so that their offspring could fight the dark wizard. Now, they're 
both fighting the Dark Wizard, and the baby comes along. After all 
the trouble that the Dark Wizard, Voldemort, puts the world through, 
he decides to try to come and kill this baby who is made to defeat 
him! Knowing that nothing else can stop Voldemort, and the only 
person he's afraid of- Dumbledore- is not much more than a stopgap, 
wouldn't you too willingly sacrifice yourself for the child, both 
out of maternal love and out of sacrifice for the greater good?  
       I say Dumbledore is only a stopgap because as it is stated in 
the canon, I don't believe he himself could have defeated Lord 
Voldemort. I believe it was in GOF that it was stated that it seemed 
like a matter of time before he became powerful enough to attack 
Hogwarts.(I believe though am not positive the line went something 
like, "He was getting stronger. He hadn't attacked Hogwarts. Not 
yet, anyway." though I am probably off a bit). This seems to imply 
that Dumbledore himself wasn't the threat- but rather, it was what 
he knew or who he knew, or yet, who he could influence. Most 
probably, it was a combination of the three. Imagine it like George 
Washington's history here in the states- in history classes here, we 
were taught that GW was a great general. Not true! At least, to 
anyone who knows about the arts and practices of war! During his 
leadership, I believe his battle record was something like an 
appaling 1 win, 7 losses or similar. He was known as a bad general, 
but the reason he withstood the test of time was because he could 
LEAD. He was an outspoken leader with a lot of charisma that could 
get people to follow him, and it was those other people who won the 
war. Maybe Dumbledore is similar in this fashion! OK, we know by 
canon he's not an incompetant fighter, but what if he wasn't 
powerful enough to take on LV, but instead, he was the only person 
that was a competant enough leader and a knowledgeable enough 
scholar to find a way to defeat him? It would still follow that LV 
was afraid of Dumbledore, but for different reasons that most of us 
assume! After all, it makes even more sense this way, because if 
Dumbledore is as powerful as everyone thinks, why wouldn't he have 
taken care of LV a long time before any of this got out of hand(by 
that I mean when Riddle returned after all the years of experiments 
as LV)?
     What's even more fasicnating about this theory is as Catlady 
wrote: it's still about free will, choice, and a lack of any 
predetermined destiny! Uncmark, we can still have this theory hold, 
and STILL be about free choice! After all, isn't Dumbledore letting 
Harry choose?  He has never stated in the canon that Harry has to 
fight the Dark Wizards- he lets Harry choose his own actions, and 
just helps him to win, giving him the extra and nessecary pushes in 
the right places! Harry, however, would still be able to choose 
whether or not he wants to fight the Dark Wizards- because he would 
just have the ability, the push and desire would still have to be 
his own!
     Onto another subject, the Pre-Hogwarts Harry Potter!

-----------Conquistas2000 Wrote:---------------------
How come nobody spilled the beans to Harry that he's a wizard (before
In SS/PS, the wizard folks recognize Harry (Tip their hat, etc..), 
and happens often enough that Harry notices it.  In the 10 years, why
didn't any of the wizards/witches strike up a conversaion with Harry
or tell of his origins?
If Mrs. Figgs is really a witch, why didn't she also tell Harry that
he's a wizard?  Maybe she is, but Harry is just too thick headed to
notice.  If she is showing Harry all the cats she owned, in hopes 
that Harry will notice all the cats outside his window belongs to 

         It is never clearly stated in the canon why he isn't 
notified by other wizards of his true nature, but rather, it must be 
inferred from other writings. Let me explain myself out, because 
this is a bit long and hard to explain properly, I think. 
      We all know why the Dursleys never explained Harry's origins 
to him(and if you don't, you haven't read the books). We also know 
that almost all of the wizarding world knows about Harry, and that 
he is hidden among the muggles. This can be said with certainty 
because we all know Harry is famous, and in the Sorceror's Stone, we 
see that Ron knows he was sent off to live with muggles.(The scene 
this is in is when Ron and Harry are on the train to Hogwarts, and 
Rain says "I heard they sent you off to live with muggles! What's it 
like?") So we know the world knows he is out there, but doesn't know 
about his wizarding ancestry. Now, we also know that muggles don't 
believe in Magic and that they actively avoid it. For proof of this, 
read GOF and in particular the scenes with Arthur Weasely("Bless 
[the Muggles], they'll go to any lengths to avoid magic!" or 
something like that!). We also know that Harry was brought up by 
muggles and influenced by their culture, and as such doesn't believe 
in magic. It takes Hagrid pouncing on a door and doing magic in 
front of Harry to really get him to believe, and even then he's 
still a skeptic. The wizards also work very hard at covering 
themselves up and not being noticed by the muggles. So, knowing 
these things, we can infer a few scenarios that could exist if they 
were to interfere with his upbringing:
     1- A wizard tells Harry that he is a wizard. Harry, having this 
explained to him, believes the wizard is a crazy loon, and this 
harms him in the future as he is less likely to believe it when 
Hagrid tells him the truth.
     2- Harry is told about the past, and believes it, and gains an 
ego. If you remember in the opening chapter of SS, Dumbledore 
explains to Prof. McGonagall that one of the reasons he is with the 
Dursleys is to prevent just that! It's a situation like Christ- as 
much as I hate to bring in religon- in that if you grew up knowing 
you're the savior of the world, you'd have one helluvan ego!
     3- Mrs Figg tells Harry. Harry already thinks she's a nutcase, 
so the most likely outcome is an even more harmful version of case 1.
     These are just a few possible harmful scenarios of what could 
happen if Harry realizes what he was too early, and this is a lot of 
the reason why Dumbledore sends him to live his life like he has. 
Knowing that, there was probably some sort of announcement or 
warning telling the wizarding world not to mess with him. Or, more 
likely, not to inform him of the past, as you have to remember he is 
for all essential purposes a muggle and would react as muggles 
would, thereby destroying the masquerade that the wizards have set 
up all these years. But when Deadelus Diggle bows to Harry Potter in 
a shop, he gives nothing away. He lets Harry know he respects him
(even if, until he met him in the bar, Harry thought Diggle was a 
bit of a loon, he eventually found out why) but doesn't damage 
Harry's perceptions in any way. This is all, of course, just a 
theory, so as always, I could very well be wrong and I hope there is 
a lot of continuing replies to these threads! I'm always interested 
in hearing other peoples opinions! Thanks all for bearing with my 
long posts! Have a good day!


   "John, That's a body in the air!" "Vin, it's a bird! It's not a 
body!" "John, they don't have birds in this game!"
                 -during a game of Road Rash for the 3DO, upon 
seeing a weird shape waaaaaayyy ahead of us in the sky in the race. 
Later proven to be a body in a VERY bad head-on collision. Sorry to 
all those who don't play Video Games, but to those who do this 
should be worth a bit of a laugh.

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