Unanswered questions answered, and another asked

prefectmarcus prefectmarcus at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 6 20:33:27 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 39496

--- In HPforGrownups at y..., "Amy Z" <aiz24 at h...> wrote:
> >(1) Why didn't anybody receive a Howler during Harry's first year?
> >Harry was unacquainted with them until Ron got one the second year.
> >They seem pretty common after that.
> They're not that common.  Ron gets one in CS, Neville in PA, and 
Percy in 
> GF.  Maybe there's a mention of Hermione getting one also after the 
> Bubotuber Pus in GF (am bookless, can't check).
Are we to believe that out of 250 - 1000 students, not one kid 
disappointed his parents in anyway?  That not one parent doesn't over 
react to something their child did or didn't do?  For the whole 
school year?

My point is not the lack of mention.  My point is that Harry is 
unfamiliar with them until CoS.

> Now for my question:  What house is prefectmarcus Prefect of?
> Amy Z

Can't you tell?  :)


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