Unanswered questions answered, and another asked

pippin_999 foxmoth at qnet.com
Thu Jun 6 21:49:19 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 39508

--- In HPforGrownups at y..., "prefectmarcus" 
> Are we to believe that out of 250 - 1000 students, not one kid 
> disappointed his parents in anyway?  That not one parent 
doesn't over react to something their child did or didn't do?  For 
the whole  school year?
> My point is not the lack of mention.  My point is that Harry is 
> unfamiliar with [Howlers] until CoS.

  There *is* a lot of stuff Harry doesn't pay attention to, but if all 
Harry ever  heard was the yelling and/or the explosion, which 
take place *after*  the red envelope is opened, he wouldn't 
necessarily know what caused it.

Re: why all the books dealing with gillyweed and bubble head 
are missing, my DH had the perfect answer: The other Tri-wizard 
contestants had already checked them out. Yes, all of them. It  
*is* a contest, you know. :-)


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