Symantec Security Response - W32.Klez.H at mm

Betty Landers drumforever at
Fri Jun 7 14:24:45 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 39555

Hello All.  I've just discovered that I'm infected with the klez worm
(w32.klez.h at mm).  If I understand it right, one of the many things it
does is pick a random address in the address book and start send
messages.  I've included symantec's information about the virus in this
message so you can take any measures or precautions necessary.
Ron reached inside his jacket and pulled out a fat gray rat, which was
"His name's Scabbers and he's useless, he hardly ever wakes up ...."
Ron Weasley: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone, Chapter six.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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