Muggleness in the wizard world (and wrist watches)

hp_lexicon hp_lexicon at
Sat Jun 8 14:51:57 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 39593

> >competent witch or wizard). However, most witches/wizards in 
> >England, 
> >Wales and North America were *not* burnt. They were hanged - and 
> >since it is very definite canon (QTA) that witches/wizards cannot 
> >fly 
> >unaided we are probably going to find that hanging is just as 
> >to them as to a Muggle.

They can't fly, true, but they can Levitate. Wingardium Leviosa is 
taught to First Years, and there are undoubtedly even more 
complicated and wondrous variations of this magic which accomplished 
witches and wizards can perform. Also, Witches and Wizards aren't as 
vulnerable to dangerous situations as Muggles (that's another 
discussion, but think about Neville's experience with his Aunt and 
Uncle and you'll see what I mean). But I'll bet a fair number of 
them did die. There's only so much a person can do against people 
hell-bent on your destruction. Believe me, I know.

> I also want to ask if anyone can explain to me how everyone (Harry 
> the twins etc)can wear wrist watches at school? Hermione makes it 
> clear that muggle objects such as bugging devices and walkie 
> do not work at Hogwarts. If that is true than watches shouldn't 
> either unless they are not infact muggle made, but if watches are 
> wizard made I find it strange that all the muggles have them.

I love this idea. We have had complicated discussions of Wizarding 
economics and some have noted that there doesn't seem to be enough 
people in the Wizarding World to support the economy we see in the 
books. But I am certain that some "Muggle objects" that we blithely 
consider technological wonders are really magical object just 
pretending. The line between the two worlds may not be as clear-cut 
as we think. Why shouldn't the Wizarding World's craftsmen export to 
Muggles? How would we really know? Do YOU know how TiVo or your 
microwave or that little bitty telephone which displays web content 
really works? I mean really?

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from 
magic." (Arthur C. Clarke)

Steve of the Lexicon
on summer holiday
thank God

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