Would JKR make Lupin evil?
foxmoth at qnet.com
Tue Jun 11 01:13:06 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 39669
--- In HPforGrownups at y..., "alhewison" <Ali at z...> wrote:
> All the posts about *evil* Lupin have scared me. I can't help
feeling a bit suspicious of one of favourite characters - that is
despite all the valiant attempts at *proving* Lupin's innocence.
BUT, although I cannot back up my argument with canon I doubt
whether JKR would make Lupin evil.
> JKR has developed a world without racism as we know it - but
> nevertheless full of prejudice and bigotry. Isn't she using the
> of Lupin and the questions of full blood etc to challenge
racism, stereotyping etc? JKR has allowed us, the reader to
advance beyond Lupin's Wizard counterparts by allowing us -
through Harry - to trust Lupin. What would she actually be saying
to us if Lupin did turn out to *be* evil? She would be saying that
the WW is right to distrust Lupin - and by inference - we are right
to distrust those Lupin represents (be they the mentally ill, the
deformed, those of different religions or ethnic backgrounds -
but more simply the misunderstood, the different ones).
You make a good point. But sometimes people bend over
backwards to avoid prejudice and end up giving people a break
on account of their background when they really don't deserve it.
JKR may be trying to show us this.
I have long maintained that Snape has connections to
the vampires, and people have countered that it would be
redundant to have two good characters in such a similar
position. However, if Lupin is evil, then "Snape's a vampire" isn't
so redundant after all.
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