Time turner - how dont they know?

edisbevan A.E.B.Bevan at open.ac.uk
Thu Jun 13 12:50:28 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 39797

Something bothering me about the TT.

In order to get the TT and do extra lessons Hermione has to gets 
special permission from the Ministry and make some pretty specific 
promises. mcG had to write lots of letetrs to get the TT depolyment 

The concept of a TT must therefore be known to at least some schools 
staff and ministry officials and is likely to be known to others 
apart from McG and Dumbledore.

But when in PoA Snape is screaming angry about the escape of Sirius, 
Dumbledore cuts his tirade short asking how  Snape can suggest Harry 
can be in two places at once ... and the Minister himself doesn't 
take this point up. And does McG query what is or could have been 
going on when Hermione returns the TT at the end of the book? No 



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