JPA30 at
Mon Jun 17 01:18:41 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 39943
One of my favourite things about HP is the use of language,
especially JKR's ear for how words sound.
I met a girl who was wearing a quidditch t-shirt just because she saw
it and loved the word. Also how could anyone like a man named Vernon
Dursley, just say it out loud - do you need to know anything else
about him?
I know this is a much travelled topic, but I was chatting to some
friends today (all right, my cox and coach, but we get along much
better when we're not on the river) and I mentioned this, my coach
(wise in the ways of rowing) pointed out that there is a staggering
exception to this rule.
Weasley is a bad name for a good guy. A weasel is not a nice (or
well regarded) animal. Why would JKR do this. I wouldn't mind if it
was a common name like (Dean) Thomas, or ethnic (Longbottom, Patel),
but Weasely isn't either of these things. It seems that the majority
of the names in the HP series inform you of the nature of the
character. I know this, you know this, there are websites dedicated
to this (excellent ones at that - and no I'm not saying this because
I contributed data to one of them).
I just got so used to Ron, and his name, and his family's name, that
it just slipped under the radar.
Any thoughts oh wise list members (and apologies if it's been covered
as I did a quick search of the message archive and turned up nothing).
James (who really can think about things in a non-rowing context, but
just seems to spend too much time with other boaties)
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