dasienko conshydot at email.com
Sat Jun 22 21:36:00 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 40207

--- In HPforGrownups at y..., "Linda C. McCabe" <lmccabe at s...> wrote:
>> The inside front cover has the list of students who checked out 
the book and
> the due dates for return to the library.  Given the fact that the 
> starts on September 1st and they have a two month summer holiday, 
> gathered that the Hogwarts Express leaves on June 30th.  This is 
the part
> that gets squirrelly - there are four entries during the summer 


At my Uni, books that are due during breaks can be returned by post 
or renewed by e-owl or telephone. It would be very simple to send an 
owl back to Hoqwarts with the book. Or  Books can be kept for the 
entire break and are due on the first day back at school.
Bureaucrats, they're everywhere.

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