Unknown Students was "QTTA Possible FLINT"

Liz Muir rowen_lm at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 20 20:42:57 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 40128

Athena said:
>>I also noticed a few names I hadn't seen before in any of the books.
(Although maybe they are there in the famous toss off a name and make 
seem meaningless passages.)  Does anyone recognize these names:

B. Dunstan
K. Bundy
J. Domy
S. Capper<<

See also the school list from HP & Me. Here's all the students (and
their house affiliations) who are on the list and haven't been
introduced: (Some of them are a little hard to make out. ^^;)

Corner, Michael (H)
Cornjost(?), Stephen (R)
Dowis, Tracy (S)
Gat(something), Kevin (R)
Goldabrin(?), Anthony (H)
Gringrass, (?) (S)
Hopkins, Wayne (H)
Toneo, Megan (H)
Li, Su (R)

If anyone else wants to look over the list and see if they can make out
the letters better, by all means!

The odd thing is none of the students mentioned on the QTTA list are on
the HP&Me list. Hmm.

Rowen Avalon (Liz Muir)

"We will not examine how grainy the frosting is. It's a cake. That's all we need to know."
"Everyone keeps learn more and more about less and less until finally they know everything about nothing. It's called specializing."
"The guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth then to the very center."
"I have nothing but contempt for a man who can spell a word only one way."

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