TBAY: Filch's Double-Cross

Melody Malady579 at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 2 08:17:01 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 46012

A bit restless and terribly bored, a small girl decided to leave the
safe house and venture into a world she had only been told existed.
Grey and Pip had filled her young head of the past glamour and epic
wars fought on the shores.  She was greatly intrigued to explore and
met the captains, pirates, and valiant warriors of yore.  They were
her heroes.

The brisk wind whipped at her hair as she wandered down the oddly
deserted streets.  Where are all the people?  It was as if the well
this small town thrived on had somehow managed to dry up.
"Impossible," she thought.  "How can *this* town ever become abandoned?"

A small light in a window caught her eye.  Intrigued, she crept
forward.  The warm tavern looked greatly inviting.  A small fire was
still it in the corner despite the fact it was obviously nearly time
to close.  A gentle man was behind the counter looked slightly amused
by the two women at his counter.  Creeping a bit further toward the
door not wanting to interrupt, Melody turned her head to watch the two
women.  From what she could tell, they seemed to be old friends.
Possibly even sisters.  Turning her ear to the door, Melody overheard
a snippet of their conversation.

>"Oh, that's just the beginning.  Look at Filch's characterization.
>He *hates* the students, and he is vindictive and horrible to them.
>He keeps chains and manacles in his office.  He knows the secret
>passageways of Hogwarts better than most anyone."

>"But what am I supposed to *do* with all of this Filch canon."

Filch?  A bit if electricity shot through her.  There seems to be life
in the old town yet.  Though, why is this woman in an over decorated
captain?s hat talking to that nice bejeweled lady about Filch?  "Who
cares about him?" Melody wondered crouching into the corner to avoid
being seen.

>"Oh, that's where the fun begins," the hat lady continued,
>"Obviously, if the muggles are going to invade the wizarding world,
>they're going to need some help, right?  They'll need someone who
>knows all about the wizarding world ?- its history, its

Ooo, invasion.  This sounds interesting.  But Filch?  A Pied Piper?
This woman can?t be serious.  I mean.  He is hideous.  "I have to say
something," she thought as she rose to enter the tavern.  Little to
her knowledge there was a mad wild-haired woman standing there to stop
her.  Trying desperately to keep from screaming, which only entailed
her falling back hard against the wooden porch and shaking
uncontrollably, Melody scooted away from the odd creature before her.
"Please, don?t.  Turn back!" the wild woman insisted with eyes the
pierced through her further than any magical ones evercould.

"Excuse me?" Melody managed to cough as she backed herself into the

"You must not go in there," she rasped.

Realizing the woman could not hurt a flobberworm, Melody began
regaining her composure and got up brushing herself up.  "Why not?"

A bit exasperated the crazy lady continued, "Don?t you know who that is?"

"Umm, a captain and a rich lady?" Melody offered not really that
concerned who they were.  As long as they were talking shop, she
desperately wanted to join.

The look of disappointment on her face was quite noticeable.  "You?re
new, aren?t ya?"

"No," Melody said indignantly.

"Yes, you are," the lady insisted.

Crossing her arms and pouting a bit at this lady?s lack of
observational skills, "I am not.  I?m been around here a little while..."

"Ai, but not long enough if you think you can go in there and chat
with the likes of her." She said wisely.

"What is wrong with her?  She seems nice enough.  A bit...scoured by
the salty air, but still kind," Melody said with complete confidence
yet innocence.

"Fine, go in there then.  But I?ll have you know she is as tough as
they come.  She loves to greet strangers..."

"I?m not a stranger."

"Well to her you are.  Have you ever talked to her before?"

"Well no.  I don?t think so.  Don?t think we have managed to properly
met," Melody said trying to recollect her days in the town.  "Why?"

Leaning back against the post, the mad lady said, "Well, she can be a
bit like Mrs. Astor."

"What do you know about Mrs. Astor?"

"Hehe, I may look crazy but I know my history.  Even your silly
American history.  Like to read a lot if you can?t tell," the mad lady
told with great assurance.

>From the looks of the lady it seemed that she had *written* that
history.  Either way, this lady was beginning to greatly amuse her.
"All right, then how is captain hat lady like Mrs. Astor?"

"You are not a citizen of this town till *she* says you are."

"Really?  How is that since I am here and thus a citizen?"

"You may exist here but you do not *exist* here till she deems you

"Gracious.  She?s that important?"

"Yeah.  Or at least we like her to believe that she is.  Either way, I
don?t recommend going in there."

Looking back into the tavern, Melody noticed the nice hatless lady was
sliding on her cashmere coat to leave.  "But, I want to tell her how
she is wrong about Filch."

"Fine.  Do what you wish.  Damn, upstart youth.  Always knowing what
is best..." she grumbled as she wandered back into the mist.

Turning back to the tavern, Melody saw the coated hatless lady leave.
 Seizing the chance, Melody strode to the door and entered.  Captain
hat lady was still sitting there polishing off her last round.
Quietly scared by what the mad lady outside has told her but greatly
intrigued by the decorated hat that sure had accompanying stories,
Melody willed herself forward wondering how in the world to strike up
a conversation with a veteran.  The bartender looked up at this new
customer.  He sighed and went to grab another glass but paused.

"Are you old enough to be in here?" he glanced at her.


"Hmmm...I recon not but still.  What twill it be?"

"Oh, well just orange juice."

"Orange juice?" the hat lady looked up.  "You came out in this wind
and mist for orange juice?  Are you ill?"

"No."  Seems Melody did not have to start the conversation after all.

"Then why are you out here?  Don?t tell me you lost your puppy?"

"No.  I just was wandering and saw the light from the fire," she said
as she accepted her orange juice from George.

"Hmmm," hat lady sounded tipping back her glass.

"And well, I heard voices and got excited.  Seems there is no one else
around, and I wanted to met people and see the sites..."

Looking up at the bartender, hat lady laughed, "Look George.  We have
a tourist."

"I am not a tourist.  I live here."

"Sure you do.  Might I ask where?"

"At that big house by the bay.  You know.  The one with the antennas
and cameras all about."

Snorting in her glass, "Oh, that one. -- I see."

Annoyed by where all this was going Melody got to the point, "Well, I
was looking around and overheard you talking to that other woman.
Y?all were discussing Filch and muggles.  And I just wanted to say I
think you are wrong."

George dropped the glass he was cleaning and looked between the two
women certain there would no longer be a need to refill the young
girl?s glass.  Its owner would soon be dispensed.  But to his
surprise, his long-time patron relaxed and smiled.

"What?s you name little girl."


"Well, I am Cindy.  Captain Cindy to you.  And you are entirely too
bold coming in here tonight after I have had a few.  What makes you
think anything you will say would change anything that has transpired
here?" Cap Cindy asked as she swung around to stare at the
presumptuous creature before her.  She was sure the little thing would
crumble fast and she would be able to go home to her bed.

"Umm, well it is just," Melody felt as nervous by Cap Cindy?s stare as
she had with the mad lady?s one from outside, but nothing was going to
deter her now.  There was more shame in leaving than staying by
Melody?s measure.  "You see the problem I have with the idea of Filch
leading the crusade invasion of muggles into the wizard
world...well...it has many reasons really."

Shifting in her chair, Cap Cindy cocked her head and encouraged, "Well
I?m listening darling.  Spit it out."  George smiled behind the
counter.  He like watching Cindy ensnare her victims.

"Ok.  You see it is this.  You said that Filch hates the students.  I
think that is a bit harsh.  He may be intensely jealous of them, but
to out and out hate them, I don?t think so?"

"And what proof, beyond your *impression*, do you have little girl."

"Well, we always see Filch threatening the students and jeering at
them, but has he ever done anything against any student beyond his
normal job?  Snape reigns down upon them harder than Filch.  He
definitely is a greater threat in the students? eyes.  Filch is just a
joke because he never backs his threats up.  He says he has chains..."

"Well oiled chains," Cap Cindy interrupted.  "He keeps them shiny in

"Maybe, but let me finish.  He *says* he has chains, and in fact, in
CoS Harry sees them in his office 'highly polished'.  But, we have no
stories of Filch using them.  Ever.  No student is afraid of his
tokens on the wall.  They stay polished because they are not used."

"Well, Dumbledore does not let him.  That is too cruel for children."
CC offered.

"But in GoF, we learn that Arthur still had marks from his little
breaking of the rules given to him by the previous caretaker.  Times
and customs do not changed that much in the WW, so why does Filch not
have the same authority?  I think it is because he cannot bear to do
it.  He actually cares about the students and is quite nurturing."

CC glanced slightly amused up at Melody.  "Filch?  Nurturing?  What
sort of rubbish is that?"

"Well he does manage to keep a cat so loyal, and he did bandage
Snape?s knee in PS/SS.  Plus you are forgetting he nurtures the whole
of Hogwarts the place.  It is his job to keep her so clean and her
shiny best.  He nurtures the actual school building and does it with
great dedication.  At no time do we see him slacking in his duties."

"Well that is part of his cover.  He is infiltrating the enemies
lair..." CC theorized, as her eyes got big.

"Hey, I thought Safe House was where spy stories were nurtured,"
Melody stated.

"Ehh, we all dabble a little.  We just don?t take ourselves as
seriously as y?all do," CC winked.

"Anyway, since Filch never backs up his threats and never slack on his
job, I would say he is a model employee.  He is loyal.  Hard working.
 And mostly, not able to lead an uprising from below.  He is too
powerless.  You see, even if Filch went to the muggles and convinced
them that he is able to lead them into conquest, I truly doubt they
would follow him.  I mean look at him.  He is quite the site to fear.
 Moldy tailcoats.  A pouncy face.  No respectable Muggle would believe
him.  They are raised to fear the sight of a man looking like him or
at least cross the street to avoid him.  Why would they follow him?"
Feeling a bit bolder Melody continued, "And also, appointing a squib
to your school is very generous on Dumbledore?s part.  It allows Filch
to stay living in the world he grew up in and keep a job.  What other
job in the WW could Filch have?  Even if he left it to the muggle
world, he has *no* magical abilities.  He is a muggle dressed like a
wizard, but in the WW, he is able to use magical objects at least.
Seems that makes his job easier than in the MW."

"True, true," CC said starting to doze off a bit, "But the point of
mine and Jo?s conversation earlier was to say that the possibility of
that plotline is there in the text already.  Whether or not it was
always intended or not."

"I just don?t see how a squib who can?t even convince the school to
get rid of a silly poltergeist and can?t convince the students he
possibly could be sincere in his threats even though he has the chains
will convince the MW that he can give them the WW on a silver platter.
 This man has no skills in that area.  It is not *already* in his
character.  He might have motive by your interpretation, but he does
not have the ability to lead any sort of people.  The man can barely
keep it together when he cat is found petrified.  How is he able to
develop an ambush?"

Cap Cindy laughed, put down her glass, and looked over at Melody.
"You are a brazen thing.  I see why Pip calls you one of her
supporters and let you stay in the safe house."

Mel blushed a bit, "Thanks. ? Though, I have not convinced you at all,
have I?"

"Well, Melody, I?m not sure," Cap Cindy said honestly.

"Hey there is one part I can add.  The fact Snape went to him to help
bandage him leg helps show that Snape is at least procuring a
friendship and thus a 'watch' on Filch.  With Filch in his pocket,
Snape, and thus Dumbledore, can keep Filch in his place and keep a
second eye out for suspicious activity.  After all, when Filch found
the egg at the bottom of the stairs, Snape was not far behind.  He is
quite aware where the man is and would tell Dumbledore of any
activities.  So if Filch turned, they would be on his tail like butter
on bread."

"Butter on bread, heh?" CC said with a raised eyebrow, "Just had to
sprinkle a bit of tag team Snape and Dumbledore in there, didn?t you?"

"Only another perspective Captain Cindy," Melody rationed finishing
off her orange juice.  George looked up from the bar amazed the girl
lasted that long.

"Well young lady, you at least have gumption to come in here and face
me.  I?ll give you that.  I won?t give you much more, but that I can
do," CC said rather business like with a bit of charm.  She rose from
her barstool and steadied herself to return to her ship.

"Well, thanks for listening none the same Captain Cindy," Melody
smiled, "All I ask really."

"Honey, you should ask for more, but hey, you are a bit new to this
area.  Takes a bit getting use to.  I must be off now.  George, make
sure this girl gets home alright."

"Sure thing Cindy," he confirmed as she headed home.  Melody wasn?t
sure how Captain Cindy was going to get back on her ship, but she did
bet the woman would not be swimming.

"Thanks George for the orange juice," Melody smiled rising to go home.

"Anytime, kid.  Anytime."

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