TBAY MAGICAL DISHWASHER's third strain QB (a side venture from Spy!Snape)

Melody Malady579 at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 23 03:56:58 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47006

>From the comfort of an over stuffed chair, Melody was chopping on her
rather large bowl of popcorn and listening to the recorder designated
to eavesdrop on the tavern.  Need less to say, she had been greatly
entertained till this point at the plain silliness and insanity of the
night, but she was getting kind of lonely.  Seems Grey and Pip had
gone off and joined the fun when the MD signal went off leaving their
little new member's alone to her own devices.  Growing restless,
Melody got up and walked around the room, but from the recorder, she
heard these words from a voice she had never heard before which lit a
fire within her that she *had* to extinguish.

--"Dishwasher!Dumbledore is... a liar."--

Grabbing her coat and tossing on her shoes, Melody bolted from the
Safe House and to the little tavern by the bay.  Looking back, she
does not even know how she got there so fast, but all she knew was
that her mind was completely bent of finding this voice's owner and
explaining a thing or two about Dishwasher's precious Dumbledore.

Getting to the tavern door, Melody bustled in and looked around.
George, even though he only met the girl once, smirked.  He reached to
grab a fresh glass, filled it with orange juice, slid it on the
counter, and raised his thumb to point to the backroom.

"Thanks George," Melody said while making a beeline to the back only
pausing to scoop up the glass.

Reaching the back, she paused at the door.  No one really noticed her
there, so she took the time to appraise the situation.  It was all
still very festive though Cindy was now quite hoarse, and Wendy seemed
a bit shaken and worried.  She kept mumbling while rocking herself, "I
am not bent.  I am a good girl.  Please, please.  I did not mean..."
The table of Snape theories where currently playing a ruthless game of
Go Fish and seemed to enjoy the flexing their fingers over their cards
a little *too* much.

Searching a bit more, Melody found who she was looking for.  Walking
up to a side table, she cocked her head and asked, "Are you Abigail?"

The lady looked up with a quizzical look, "Yes.  Who are you?"

"I am Melody.  I am that allusive third member of the MD defense that
hasn't quite earned her wings yet."

Abigail sniffed in her glass, "And let me guess.  Tonight is the
night.  Please.  Sit down little girl and let me explain to you about
your love of this precious little theory."

Not one to be easily shaken, Melody sat her juice down, slipped off
her coat, and made herself comfortable.  She did look around a bit
before she focused all her attention on Abigail just to see if Pip and
Grey were still around.  "Hmm," she wondered to herself, "Seems they
are in the loo."

"Now," Abigail said rather business like, "MD is a theory like any
other.  A theory that should be built on canon.  Which it is, I am not
refuting that.  Now since it is built of canon, it should therefore be
confirmed in later canon.  It is only fair."

"No,"  Melody said flatly.

A bit shocked by the girl's short answer, Abigail stuttered, "No?
Excuse me?"

"I say you are wrong," said Melody twirling the straw in her OJ.  "A
theory does not have to be proven in the next three books to stay a
good theory.  There are often motives that always stay hidden."

"Give me one example," Abigail challenged.

"Ok.  Have you ever heard of Corrie Ten Boom?" Mel asked.

Abigail thought a moment, "Umm...I think so."

"When she was a small child, there was a time her and her father were
on a train together when she asked him one of those "I'll tell you
when you are older" questions.  The train had just stopped, and her
father was standing up to remove the luggage from the overhead
compartments.  He looked at her and said, 'Corrie, would I be a good
father if I made you get these heavy bags down from the compartments?'
 She looked at him and said, 'No.  I would be hurt.'  He then smiled
at her and said, 'Then trust me when I say sometimes things are too
heavy for children.'"

"So are you saying the truth is too hard for the children readers,"
Abigail asked.

"No, I am saying what Dumbledore has already said to Harry when he
wanted to know more of what was going on.  PS/SS Ch17 'When you are
older...when you are ready, you will know.'  I take that to also be
true with the books.  Not all means are shown, and just because they
might not be does not mean it did not happen or that they are not
important enough to tell.  Some things are better left unsaid and just
implied.  All that we should be content with, and Harry should be
content with for that matter as Dumbledore seems to want, is that
Voldemort is gone."

But Abigail was not yet content herself and said pointing to a bit of
parchment, "Now, Grey Wolf claims that MD is just as subject to the
ravages of Hurricane Jo as the rest of the ships out on the bay, which
means that I have either misread this statement, or he's changed his
mind since he wrote it."

Melody laughed a bit.  "I don't think much has changed his mind
lately, but I do think you misread it.  All he is saying is that the D
& V spy games could still exist even if the future canons doesn't
point blank confirm them too.  But the future books, can still
disprove the MD if canon does say 'hey, Dumbledore just sat around for
fourteen years waiting to see if Voldemort returns.  He got really
good at the ten pin bowling too.'  Given my bit of sarcasm there, I
bet you know my opinion."

"Fine, fine believe whatever, but I have a few more fingers to poke
though this theory," said Abigail squaring her back.

"Shoot," Melody said blowing bubbles in her OJ.

"Ok first, did you hear my fireman analogy?" Abigail asked hoping to
keep this short.

"Yeah, Mr. One-man fireman has to decide to ignite now while he is
prepared and risk lives, or go home every night and wait for it to one
day erupt in flames when he is unprepared."

"Ok, good.  So my problem with all this is the logistics of
Dumbledore's choices.  He has too many variables that he should tie up
better.  I think Dishwasher!Dumbledore chose to fight Voldemort too
soon and on a very shaky ground," Abigail continued.

"Are you second guessing the one wizard that is considered the
greatest among all of WW?" Melody said shaking her head.  "If he
cannot find a way.  No one will it seems.  After all, we have Fudge
choosing to be lazy one-man fireman.  He says, 'Hey, *if* the time
comes, we will be able to save the inhabitants.'  Dumbledore is not
that optimistic.  He knows better.  What he and the old crowd devise
to bring down the fire hazard (i.e. Voldemort for those still
clueless) *is* the best they can come up with.  Whether you think it
is still foolish is a Monday morning quarterback opinion."

"Wait, wait," Abigail interrupted, "I don't want to get into this now.
 It is too late for all that.  Let me get to my point.  First off,
Dishwasher!Dumbledore has two problems.  One he is a wizard who
believes the ends justify the means.  He wants Sirius to be hunted
like a dog <grin> and places Harry is *extremely* dangerous
situations.  And two, he is a liar.  You heard me a liar."

Kind of annoyed since she wanted to continue with her previous line of
logic, Melody took a quick drink and sighed.  "So he is a liar for
saying he would never lie?" she asked quietly.

"Yes," Abigail insisted, "You have read PS/SS, haven't you?"

Melody looked up flabbergasted.  "Oh, please.  Come on," she said
rolling her eyes.

"Ok then," Abigail continued quite happy with her little tablemate's
rash emotions, "Under MAGIC DISHWASHER, that is, because MD, as I
understand, claims that Voldemort's attempt on the Philosopher's Stone
was the warning bell in Dumbledore's ear, after which he began to lay
the foundation for Voldemort's controlled reemergence at the end of
GoF. I've even seen DISHWASHER variants in which the Philosopher's
Stone ordeal was orchestrated and controlled by Dumbledore."

Melody twitched her mouth a bit.  "That variant was mine Abigail.  I
say the stone was bait.  A needed step for the old crowd to find out
for sure if Voldemort could or could not be killed in a host body.
There are too many coincidences for it to not be a bit orchestrated by
General Dumbledore, but that is another post..." Melody said while
waving her hand.  "I just do not read that passage that way you do it

Abigail sat back waiting for the girl's obviously delusional
explanation.  She looked around to see if another musical number was
being choreographed.

But Melody noticed none of that and continued to defend that which she
loved.  "First and foremost, know this.  I do not think Dumbledore has
*ever* lied to Harry.  He has not lied to Ron or Hermione or even to
Hagrid.  BUT," Melody emphasized to get Abigail's trailing attention,
"he is the all knowing father to all four and knows what information
should be told to little ears.  Or humongous ears in Hagrid's case.
Dumbledore really *did* spell out a little of his plan there to Harry.
 He told his that someone else could help Voldemort come back to life."

"But he said that Voldemort could stay a spirit and never return to
power.  See the *never*." Abigail said jabbing her finger on the table
a bit too hard.

"Yes, he does say that, but it is conceivably a truth.  That *could*
hypothetically happen.  That does not mean it is the best solution to
the problem.  Is it best to keep a spirit alive since they could
conceivable stay that way forever?  That is not a smart move in any
war.  To leave the enemy in a state where they are not a current
threat but could become on in the proper conditions is foolish and out
and out dumb.  The logic behind the idea 'the spirit might not ever be
a threat, so we should just leave them alone for now' is just plain

So really, just as Voldemort could conceivable stay hidden forever, it
is the same with Dumbledore conceivably telling Harry the truth there."

Melody stopped and looked at Abigail who had her arms and legs crossed
with a rather unpleasant look on her face.  She herself was quite
enjoying this though she needed a refill on her orange juice.

"Well Dumbledore still has ulterior motives to his teachings and moral
guidance," Abigail shot back.

"So?" Melody said again a little to bluntly for Abigail's taste.

"So, that is deceiving.  He should not do that." said Abigail.

"How is not showing all sides of your personality and all your
interests to children deceiving?" Melody asked.  "Should Dumbledore
sit them down and explain why they are learning how to make good
decisions and why Harry needs to learn how to duel.  When has telling
the *whole* truth been the only way to tell the truth?  If anything,
that can be worse that lying in the first place.  Dumbledore is not
two faced but has many hands in many pots.  Not all the pots need to
know this though.  They just need to know that the moral compass of
the hands is set the same for each pot."

Abigail put her head in her hands and said, "Are you really going to
stand there and tell me that the Dumbledore who presumed to take the
fate of his entire community in his hands, who did the math and
decided that the lives that are going to be lost to his enemies are
worth the ultimate rewards, but who, when faced with the necessity of
taking some lives himself, refuses to stain his clean hands even if it
means endangering his mission - are you going to tell me that this is
the *moral* Dumbledore?"

Seeing that Abigail has gotten to her point, Melody sat up, placed her
elbows on the table, and began, "Dumbledore is the WW 'good side'
General of War.  He is the most qualified wizard for the job.  Like a
general, tough decisions must be made.  Decisions that could place
people in danger, but really those people are already in danger as
your previous analogy says.  If Dumbledore did as Fudge has and
ignored the problem, then there would be more blood on his hands.  He
could of done *something*, but chose not to.  Really, it is this view
that has the most blood on the hands of Dumbledore, and yet all the
other theories believe that assertion.

MD does not.  It is founded on the principle that bad things *will*
happen, and if they plan ahead, it will not happen as badly.  And
within these plans, there are rules to follow.  Dumbledore is moral
and does respect life.  Just because people die in the hands of
Voldemort does not mean that it is Dumbledore's fault or that he
*willed* it to be.

Is it really the ministry's fault that the DE's had a little party at
the Quidditch Cup?  They did not catch those, so it *has* to be the
MoM fault that the Roberts were subject to their whim.  I disagree.
You cannot blame good for not stopping evil ahead of time.  Good can
feel a bit guilty for failing, but they did not make the decision to
kill or torture.  Evil did.  Just because Dumbledore knew this evil
was still a threat does not mean he is lying or even immoral.
Gracious, he even *told* Fudge that evil was a threat at the end of
GoF and he balked at him.  Dumbledore has warned those he could at the
closing day of Hogwarts in GoF.

But I digress a bit, the point is that Dishwasher!Dumbledore is
working his campaign within a moral compass.  He would not condone a
course of action that would definitely, without a shadow of a doubt,
100% mean someone would die."

Abigail looked up amazed the girl finally finished.  She looked back
down at her cuticles that she had been fussing over and asked, "What
about the Flamels?  He knew they would die."

"I believe that it was the Flamels' decision to finally bring a close
to their long story.  The way I see PS/SS, the stone bait was used in
the hope it would not come to blows over it needing to be destroyed.
They all hoped Voldemort would be killed in Quirrelmort, and the world
would be peachy, and Flamel could live as long as he wanted.  But
unfortunately, that did not happen, so Flamel made the choice to
destroy the stone and thus end his life.  The chat between them, I'm
sure, was not Dumbledore telling Flamel what was up."

"Oh, you are sure?  Well then that settles everything," Abigail said

"Yes my opinion on the matter is tainted by my belief that Dumbledore
would not encourage murder.  Though it does seem he doesn't mind
turning a blind eye from a sort of softer version of suicide," Melody
mused, "Hmmm, Pip might be on to something...but I think she was
joking, or at least I hope she was...anyway I say Dumbledore preserves
life every chance he gets.  He would never stamp approve Snape
dragging Karkaroff's dead body to the feet of Voldemort.  Unless, they
could get Karkaroff to do the dirty work for them...but then that is a
little too Charles Manson for Harry Potter, don't you think Abigail?"

"Huh," Abigail said jumping at hearing her name.  "Yeah, um...sorry I
wasn't listening."

A bit exhausted from finally being out and about again, Melody sat
back in her chair.  "That's ok, most don't it seems.  Even when the
truth is staring them in the face.  That is why Dumbledore does not
tell all his plans and plans all he does."

who had planned a nice quiet evening, but this taunted me too greatly

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