Hogwarts: A tight schedule/ Timetable Challenge!
cpennylane12 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 2 03:29:47 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 43475
Grey Wolf wrote:
> The problem is this: some of the teachers have got schedules
> although (remotely) possible, would stress them into suicide
in a few
> months. The most obvious ones are Snape and the DADA
teacher. I'm from
> the sciences view, so I'm going to express this with numbers. If
> need clarification, please do tell me so.
I do love a good challenge, so here goes.... I started by trying to
figure out when the students had class, it was quite difficult,
considering that we really only see what classes Harry has, and
they seem to change all the time.
There are 12 teachers at Hogwarts that we know of -
Professor Sprout (Herbology), Professor Flitwick (Charms),
Professor McGonagoll (Transfiguration), Professor Snape
(Potions), The Defense Against Dark Arts Professor, "Professor"
Trelawney (Divination), Professor Sinistra (Astronomy),
Professor Vector (Arithmancy), the Muggle Studies Professor,
Professor Binns (History of Magic), the study of Ancient runes
professor, and Hagrid ( Care of Magical Creatures). Also on the
faculty are Madam Hooch (Flying), Madam Pomfry, and Madam
Pince. And we can't forget Professor Dumbledore. That leaves
us with 13 teachers who are qualifyed to teach... and one nurse
and one librarian..
In CoS we find out that classes end at 6... then students are to
report to their common rooms for the rest of the night... Im
assuming that means that dinner is at 5, then too the common
rooms, unless the students had to eat in their common rooms
during this time, which is possible, they finish the halloween
feast their in SS....But in GoF, the notice that they recieve about
the foreign students arrival says that classes will dissmiss 30
min early to great the students before the 6:00 feast. Perhaps
supper is at different times on different days. In PoA, we find out
that classes begin at 9 am, Hermione has Divination, Muggle
Studies, and Arithmancy.
If classes begin at 9, and end at 6, with 1 hour for lunch... then
they are getting approximatly 8 hours of class a day, which
means 40 hours a week. Each teacher has time to teach 8 one
hour class a day... But there are only 14 teachers, including
Dumbledore and Madam Hooch, for 7 different levels, and 4
different classes per level. Granted, there are some classes,
such as Herbology which is taken 3 times a week, with another
House (SS 133, US edition). In SS Potions is only once a week
(Friday Morning (pg. 135)) for the first years. ( Page 221, US
edition) In CoS it is both Thursday Afternoon, and Wednesday
Morning, for the 2nd years. In PoA, it seems as if they are back
to just Double Potions once a week. Some of the classes seem
to only teach one house at a time. Defense against the Dark Arts
was only one house, and it seems like they have it at least twice
a week, if not more as they get older. It just doesn't make any
sense, and some days they have one double class before lunch,
other days they have 3 classes before lunch, some times they
have a double, then 2 classes...
Im worried about all the teachers, except for the ones that only
teach classes that are 3rd level and above. They seem to have a
lighter course load then the rest. One thought is the
Dumbledore teaches all 7th years, but that's probably going to
be shot down in subsequent books... If he's such a great wizard,
then why is he stuck in administration? Another Idea would be
that the professors just teach part of the class, and then run next
door and teach part of another class, leaving a teachers aid in
charge, but that just doesn't seem to make any sense at all.
One other option, besides the time turners... is that Ravenclaws
are honor students... they have separate classes, and thats why
they are never around... that would cut everyone's classes down
by a 4th, except for Snape, seeing as he seems to be the only
person around who knows how to make any kind of potion.....
If anybody on the list likes logic problems, i have 4 for you... I
have several clues as to when each class is for Harry's class,
but no order to my notes, and im getting kind of sick of trying to
figure this out.... I'll start with CoS. ( all page numbers are the US
Friday Mornings they have Herbology and Transfiguration. (pg.
197 US )
On the 1st day of classes they have db. Herbology w/ Hufflepuffs
( pg 91) then they go directly to Transfiguation ( pg 94). After
Transfiguation, they have Lunch, then they go to Defense against
the Dark Arts. (pg 98)
Friday Mornings, Charms. (pg 104)
Wednesday Mornings - Potions ( Pg 146) then lunch , then
History of Magic ( pg 148) , then they go to their common rooms,
then to dinner.
on some random day, they have potions followed by Herbology,
followed by DADA ( pg 269)
they have DADA on Fridays.
Potions with Slytherin - Thursday afternoon's. (pg 186)
on Feb 14th, they have charms...
Now, i don't know if it is possible at all to try and figure out any
sort of usuable schedule from this, but if anybody wants to go
ahead and try, go for it... Remember, this is just from CoS... i did
the same thing with SS and PoA, GoF was just too long, and i
didn't know it as well, seeing i haven't read it as many time. If
you want the ones from SS or PoA, just email me at
CPennyLane12 at yahoo.com
One other thing that i noticed... In SS, they say that Astronomy is
at Midnight on Wednesdays. (pg 133) - but later on pg 236, its a
wednesday night, and the clock chimes midnight when ron
climbes through the picture hole, and complains to harry about
Norbert biting him. Now, does this mean that Harry and Ron
were *Gasp* skipping Astronomy? I don't think so, because it
was stated earlier something about everyone being in bed...Or
does it mean that class schedules change from sememster to
semester... I hope not, im confused enough as it is...
Kassie aka Penny Lane... realizing that she needs a new
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